Background: Ventilation management may differ between COVID–19 ARDS (COVID–ARDS) patients and patients with pre–COVID ARDS (CLASSIC–ARDS); it is uncertain whether associations of ventilation management with outcomes for CLASSIC–ARDS also exist in COVID–ARDS. Methods: Individual patient data analysis of COVID–ARDS and CLASSIC–ARDS patients in six observational studies of ventilation, four in the COVID–19 pandemic and two pre–pandemic. Descriptive statistics were used to compare epidemiology and ventilation characteristics. The primary endpoint were key ventilation parameters; other outcomes included mortality and ventilator–free days and alive (VFD–60) at day 60. Results: This analysis included 6702 COVID–ARDS patients and 1415 CLASSIC–ARDS patients. COVID–ARDS patients received lower median VT (6.6 [6.0 to 7.4] vs 7.3 [6.4 to 8.5] ml/kg PBW; p < 0.001) and higher median PEEP (12.0 [10.0 to 14.0] vs 8.0 [6.0 to 10.0] cm H2O; p < 0.001), at lower median ΔP (13.0 [10.0 to 15.0] vs 16.0 [IQR 12.0 to 20.0] cm H2O; p < 0.001) and higher median Crs (33.5 [26.6 to 42.1] vs 28.1 [21.6 to 38.4] mL/cm H2O; p < 0.001). Following multivariable adjustment, higher ΔP had an independent association with higher 60–day mortality and less VFD–60 in both groups. Higher PEEP had an association with less VFD–60, but only in COVID–ARDS patients. Conclusions: Our findings show important differences in key ventilation parameters and associations thereof with outcomes between COVID–ARDS and CLASSIC–ARDS. Trial registration: (identifier NCT05650957), December 14, 2022.
Why a position statement on Assessment in Physical Education? The purpose of this AIESEP Position Statement on Assessment in Physical Education (PE) is fourfold: • To advocate internationally for the importance of assessment practices as central to providing meaningful, relevant and worthwhile physical education; • To advise the field of PE about assessment-related concepts informed by research and contemporary practice; • To identify pressing research questions and avenues for new research in the area of PE assessment; • To provide a supporting rationale for colleagues who wish to apply for research funds to address questions about PE assessment or who have opportunities to work with or influence policy makers. The main target groups for this position statement are PE teachers, PE pre-service teachers, PE curriculum officers, PE teacher educators, PE researchers, PE administrators and PE policy makers. How was this position statement created? The AIESEP specialist seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ was held from October 18-20 2018, at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The seminar aimed to bring together leading scholars in the field to present and discuss ‘evidence-informed’ views on various topics around PE assessment. It brought together 71 experts from 20 countries (see appendix 2) to share research on PE assessment via keynote lectures and research presentations and to discuss assessment-related issues in interactive sessions. Input from this meeting informed a first draft version of the statement. This first draft was sent to all participants of the specialist seminar for feedback, from which a second draft was created. This draft was presented at the AIESEP International Conference 2019 in Garden City, New York, after which further feedback was collected from participants both on site and through an online survey. The main contributors to the writing of the position statement are mentioned in appendix 1. Approval was granted by the AIESEP Board on May 7th, 2020. Largely in keeping with the main themes of the AIESEP specialist seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’, this Position Statement is divided into the following sections: Assessment Literacy; Accountability & Policy; Instructional Alignment; Assessment for Learning; Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Continuing Professional Development; Digital Technology in PE Assessment. These sections are preceded by a brief overview of research data on PE. The statement concludes with directions for future research.
Werkplekleren is een belangrijk onderdeel van beroepsopleidingen. Toch weten we weinig over hoe de beroepspraktijk (community) het leren van studenten op de werkplek ondersteunt. Wij onderzoeken de begeleiding van studenten en beginnende beroepsbeoefenaren door opleiders op de werkplek.Doel De werkplek biedt een krachtige leeromgeving voor studenten om zich een beroep eigen te maken. Er is veel onderzoek gedaan naar werkplekleren, maar weinig is bekend over de wijze waarop begeleidingsstrategieën worden gehanteerd om het werkplekleren van beginners te ondersteunen. Het doel van dit promotieonderzoek is om meer specifiek inzicht te krijgen in begeleiding op de werkplek. We zoeken een antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag: hoe ondersteunt de beroepspraktijk het leren op de werkplek van studenten fysiotherapie en verpleegkunde? Resultaten Rondetafelgesprek Begeleiden van het leren op de werkplek tijdens de Onderwijs Research Dagen in Antwerpen, juni 2017. Posterpresentatie 'Pedagogic practices in vocational communities to support novices workplace learning' tijdens de EARLI-SIG-14 conferentie in Genève, september 2018. Bijdrage aan postersymposium 'Leren en begeleiden van beroepsonderwijs', 'Werkpplekleren begeleiden van beginnende beroepsbeoefenaren' tijdens de Onderwijs Research Dagen in Heerlen, juni 2019. Publicatie Ceelen, L., Khaled, A., & de Bruijn, E. (2019). Begeleiden van studenten op de werkplek. Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg, 43(5), 12-15. Looptijd 01 september 2016 - 01 februari 2021 Aanpak Dit promotieonderzoek betreft een samenwerking tussen de OU en het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs. De promotor vanuit de OU is prof. dr. Elly de Bruijn (ook lector Beroepsonderwijs), co-promotor is dr. Anne Khaled (tot september 2022 onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs, nu aan het lectoraat Responsief Beroepsonderwijs (HAN) verbonden). Tijdens het promotieonderzoek voeren we een systematische literatuurstudie uit naar wat er al bekend is over het begeleiden van het leren op de werkplek van studenten en beginnende beroepsbeoefenaren. We voeren een veldstudie (met observaties en interviews) uit naar de begeleiding van studenten fysiotherapie en verpleegkunde tijdens hun stage.