This is a manual on supervision with video recordings and role-play. The manual provides points of reference for reflecting in a team on the implementation of the work and learning from each other by means of video recordings and role-play. We know that the quality of the care provided is directly related to the outcomes for clients. And we know that learning from each other helps to improve this quality. Using this manual, a team can get to work on this.
In this paper we analyze the effects if two countries, with different settings on the labor market, open their capital markets. To do this we follow the ideas of New Institutional Economics in combination with a new model of economic growth. We will use a Leontief production function, where we derive the distribution of income by using an approach stemming from conflict theory, to highlight some new insights into the question whether an open world capital market enhances the overall welfare. First of all, using conflict theory, we will pay some attention to the micro-economic foundation of a Harrod-Domar model. At least we want to analyze what will happen if for e.g.: China opens the capital market to the EU zone, where the institutions in both regions are very different. We will show that this will always lead a race to the bottom from the view of workers in the former developed region.
This is a manual on ‘Selecting, Training and Supporting Supervisors’. This manual provides points of reference for making a considered choice in the selection, training and support of supervisors in organisations for children’s services. We know that the quality of the care provided is directly related to the outcomes for clients. And we know that learning from each other helps to improve this quality. A competent supervisor is essential in this.