In Nederland is er een groeiende behoefte aan collectieve huisvesting voor ouderen om de kloof tussen 'ageing in place' en institutionele zorgvoorzieningen te overbruggen. Participatie van ouderen in de concept- en ontwerpfase is belangrijk om het marktaanbod af te stemmen op de behoeften van (toekomstige) bewoners. Sociale ondernemers vinden het echter een uitdaging om ouderen te betrekken. Dit hoofdstuk verkent verschillende manieren waarop ouderen betrokken kunnen worden bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe wooninitiatieven. De ladder van burgerparticipatie wordt hier gebruikt om verschillende rollen te verkennen die (toekomstige) bewoners zouden kunnen spelen met verschillende niveaus van invloed, van niet-participatie tot burgerkracht. Overwegingen voor betekenisvolle participatie worden besproken. Verder wordt een Nederlandse casestudy gepresenteerd waarin vastgoed werd getransformeerd op basis van de betrokkenheid van ouderen, die illustreert hoe door het gebruik van een innovatieve methode partnerschappen kunnen worden gevormd tussen (toekomstige) bewoners en besluitvormers. Dit hoofdstuk concludeert dat naast de huisvesting zelf, ook de gebouwde omgeving en de buitenomgeving in beschouwing moeten worden genomen om de leefomstandigheden van ouderen te verbeteren.
Supply chain partnerships within housing refurbishment have not been given much specific attention which may be found surprising because the refurbishment market is becoming of increasing importance compared to new construction and has specific characteristics that require adapted approaches to supply chain integration. In this paper approaches, expected benefits and challenges of supply chain partnerships within housing renovation are explored. From general literature on building process innovation, dimensions of supply chain integration and potential advantages and challenges of have been derived and employed in a preliminary inquiry among Dutch housing associations and their partners that are experimenting with supply chain partnering in housing refurbishment projects. The results indicate that approaches are in a relatively early stage of development towards ‘mature’ supply chain partnerships. Furthermore, many of the general expectations also apply to the Dutch housing refurbishment sector, but at a more detailed level, refurbishment may require specific attention for the division of tasks and risks between the partners, particularly regarding communication with tenants.
Population ageing has become a domain of international discussions and research throughout the spectrum of disciplines including housing, urban planning, and real estate. Older people are encouraged to continue living in their homes in their familiar environment, and this is referred to as “ageing-in-place”. Enabling one to age-in-place requires new housing arrangements that facilitate and enable older adults to live comfortably into old age, preferably with others. Innovative examples are provided from a Dutch social housing association, illustrating a new approach to environmental design that focuses more on building new communities in conjunction with the building itself, as opposed to the occupational therapeutic approaches and environmental support. Transformation projects, referred to as “Second Youth Experiments”, are conducted using the Røring method, which is based on the principles of co-creation. De Benring in Voorst, The Netherlands, is provided as a case study of an innovative transformation project. This project shows how social and technological innovations can be integrated in the retrofitting of existing real estate for older people. It leads to a flexible use of the real estate, which makes the building system- and customer preference proof. Original article at: © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI.