This study used a trait-state-occasion (TSO) model to isolate stable trait variance, occasion-specific state variance, and shared method related variance in a measure for leisure satisfaction in a Dutch nationally representative nine-year panel study. Findings indicate that satisfaction with leisure time is a consistently stronger indicator of overall leisure satisfaction than satisfaction with leisure activities. About half of the variance in leisure satisfaction is stable trait variance, with the remaining variance being mostly occasion-specific and to a lesser extent attributable to shared method variance and error. However, these findings depend on the age group we consider.Several socio-demographic variables relate directly to the trait aspect of leisure satisfaction. Our study underscores the importance of recognizing that over time leisure satisfaction measurements have considerable stable and more volatile elements and that one should control for shared method effects.
Presented at Conference: IPMA World Conference 2014, At Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Volume: 28 A taxonomy is used for classifying things in general. For the purpose of this paper it is a systematic classification of competences into hierarchical groups where each sublevel constitutes a breakdown of the higher level. Although a vast amount of research has been done in project management competences, there is no standard set of project management competences used (Nijhuis, 2012). Important reasons for constructing a taxonomy for project management competences are found in comparing previous research and in identifying key fields for project management education in higher education. First a definition of competence is given, secondly the rationale of this research is given by discussing recent research. Several different published taxonomies of competences are reviewed. Finally a proposed taxonomy for project management competences is presented.
In this paper the concept of "ecological personality scales" is introduced. These are contextualized inventories with a high ecological validity. They are developed in a bottom-up or qualitative way and combine a relatively high trait specificity with a relatively high situational specificity. An ecological conscientiousness or time management scale for Ph.D. candidates was developed. It significantly predicted Ph.D. performance criteria and showed incremental validity beyond Big Five (Study 1) and narrow trait and frame-of-reference scales (Study 2). These findings suggest that an ecological approach may contribute to further improving the criterion validity of personality measures