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Products 1.593


Integrated Mobility & Urban Planning (iMURP)

Commissioned by: NHTV/Lectoraat Verkeer & Stedenbouw



Strategic Human Resource Management and the research-teaching-practice nexus

Balancing processes of external contingency and internal P-O fit is amongst the challenges facing innovative HE institutions today. This multi-level case study presents findings from a research & development program targeted to investigate and improve organisational-, leadership- and employees’ capacities to design, select and develop the human capital necessary to meet the strategic demands. The R&D project is framed as a collective organisational learning strategy with continuous alternation of research, design, pilots and implementation activities. Work in progress till 2020. At present 25 strategic personnel plans are developed for degree programs and other organizational units, each of which is tailored to the strategic horizon and market of that specific organisational entity. Furthermore, instrumentation to run a strategic personnel planning process for knowledge institutions is developed transferable to other institutions. Finally, input is provided for the development of strategic HRM for career development & mobility, professionalisation, team development and resourcing strategy.


Strategic Human Resource Management and the research-teaching-practice nexus

Serious gaming to stimulate participatory urban tourism planning.

This paper examines how a serious game approach could support a participatory planning process by bringing stakeholders together to discuss interventions that assist the development of sustainable urban tourism. A serious policy game was designed and played in six European cities by a total of 73 participants, reflecting a diverse array of tourism stakeholders. By observing in-game experiences, a pre- and post -game survey and short interviews six months after playing the game, the process and impact of the game was investigated. While it proved difficult to evaluate the value of a serious game approach, results demonstrate that enacting real-life policymaking in a serious game setting can enable stakeholders to come together, and become more aware of the issues and complexities involved with urban tourism planning. This suggests a serious game can be used to stimulate the uptake of academic insights in a playful manner. However, it should be remembered that a game is a tool and does not, in itself, lead to inclusive participatory policymaking and more sustainable urban tourism planning. Consequently, care needs to be taken to ensure inclusiveness and prevent marginalization or disempowerment both within game-design and the political formation of a wider participatory planning approach.



People 6


Don Guikink

Coordinator Internationalisation

Don Guikink

Ekaterina Uzunova

Project Manager and Producer at Cradle

Ekaterina Uzunova

Hillevi Boerboom


Hillevi Boerboom

Nick van Apeldoorn

DIGIREAL lab coordinator

Nick van Apeldoorn

Projects 3


CHIPS: Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People Transport and Spatial Planning

The livability of the cities and attractiveness of our environment can be improved by smarter choices for mobility products and travel modes. A change from current car-dependent lifestyles towards the use of healthier and less polluted transport modes, such as cycling, is needed. With awareness campaigns, cycling facilities and cycle infrastructure, the use of the bicycle will be stimulated. But which campaigns are effective? Can we stimulate cycling by adding cycling facilities along the cycle path? How can we design the best cycle infrastructure for a region? And what impact does good cycle infrastructure have on the increase of cycling?To find answers for these questions and come up with a future approach to stimulate bicycle use, BUas is participating in the InterReg V NWE-project CHIPS; Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People transport and Spatial planning. Together with the city of Tilburg and other partners from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and United Kingdom we explore and demonstrate infrastructural improvements and tackle crucial elements related to engaging users and successful promotion of cycle highways. BUas is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the project. To measure the impact and effectiveness of cycle highway innovations we use Cyclespex and Cycleprint.With Cyclespex a virtual living lab is created which we will use to test several readability and wayfinding measures for cycle infrastructure. Cyclespex gives us the opportunity to test different scenario’s in virtual reality that will help us to make decisions about the final solution that will be realized on the cycle highway. Cycleprint will be used to develop a monitoring dashboard where municipalities of cities can easily monitor and evaluate the local bicycle use.



Stedelijke regio’s streven naar een duurzame mobiliteitstransitie. Deze ambitie staat echter op gespannen voet met het hoge autobezit- en autogebruik. De stormachtige introductie van lichte elektrische voertuigen, oftewel LEVs (denk aan e-scooters, e-steps, e-(cargo)bikes en micro-cars) leek een belangrijke ‘gamechanger’ te zijn. Deze LEVs zijn namelijk klein en efficiënt, zijn nagenoeg emissievrij, bieden mogelijkheden voor het verbeteren van het voor- en natransport van het openbaar vervoer (OV) en worden bovendien door hun gebruikers als prettig ervaren tijdens het reizen.Tot op heden maken LEVs deze beloften echter onvoldoende waar. Bij de introductie, thans met name in de vorm van deelsystemen, komen diverse uitdagingen aan het licht zoals: 1) verrommeling en overlast door verkeerd gepareerde LEVs, 2) ongewenste substitutie van loop-, fiets- en OV-verplaatsingen en beperkte impact op autogebruik en 3) en zorgen over de verkeersveiligheid en beleving, met name op de (al steeds drukker wordende) fietsinfrastructuur in Nederland. Deze problemen komen mede voort uit de snelle introductie waardoor gemeenten achter de feiten aanliepen en geen gericht beleid konden voeren. Langzaam komen we nu in een periode van stabilisatie en regulering maar een doorontwikkeling naar pro-actief LEV beleid is nodig om de potentie van LEVs voor de mobiliteitstransitie te ondersteunen. Het LEVERAGE-consortium, bestaande uit sterke partners uit de triple helix, gaat daarom aan de slag met deze vraagstukken. De centrale onderzoeksvraag is:Wat is de potentie van LEVs voor de mobiliteitstransitie naar bereikbare, duurzame, verkeersveilige, inclusieve en leefbare stedelijke regio’s en hoe kan deze optimaal worden benut door een betere integratie van LEVs in het mobiliteitssysteem en het mobiliteitsbeleid en door een effectieve governance van de samenwerking tussen publieke en private stakeholders?Om deze vraag te beantwoorden heeft het consortium een ambitieus en innovatieve onderzoeksopzet gedefinieerd waarbij veel nadruk wordt gelegd op de disseminatie en exploitatie van kennis in de beleidspraktijk.Collaborative partnersProvincie Noord-Brabant, Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen, Gemeente Eindhoven, Gemeente Breda, Gemeente Arnhem, Ministerie I&W, Rijkswaterstaat, Arriva, PON, Check, Citysteps, Cenex, TIER, We-all-Wheel, Fleet investment, Goudappel, Kennisinstellingen en netwerkorganisaties, HAN, TU/e, CROW, Connekt, POLIS, SWOV.


Urban Intelligence

Despite increasing efforts regarding knowledge valorisation, a significant gap between knowledge development and policy practice remains. Urban Intelligence bridges this gap by bringing cutting edge knowledge to the table, developing new policy concepts and by promoting smart data use.The professorship of Urban Intelligence takes a multimodal and integrated approach by connecting knowledge of transport engineering, urban planning and urban design. Research output encompasses data-driven projects, such as ‘Multimodal Brabant’ and ‘Measurement Weeks Breda‘, which translate big data into knowledge for policy development.Furthermore, data analysis tool and data dashboards for cycling, such as ‘CyclePRINT’ have been developed. To enhance the integration of built environment and transportation, we developed the Bicycle-Oriented Development (BOD) concept. This is currently being integrated into an overarching development philosophy, ‘Multimodal Urban Development’, which integrates the optimisation of multimodal networks, location choices for new urban developments and the provision of shared mobility via mobility hubs.
