OBJECTIVES: To explore the perceived working mechanisms of psychosomatic therapy according to patients with persistent somatic symptoms (PSS) and their psychosomatic therapists.DESIGN: Qualitative study using semistructured face-to-face interviews and focus groups. All interviews were audiorecorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed, by two researchers independently, based on the thematic analysis.SETTING: Alongside a randomised controlled trial to establish the (cost-)effectiveness of psychosomatic therapy in patients with PSS in primary care, we conducted a process evaluation with a qualitative study. Patients were recruited in general practice in three regions in the Netherlands.PARTICIPANTS: Interviews were conducted with twenty patients with PSS who received psychosomatic therapy and 25 psychosomatic therapists. In addition, two focus groups were conducted with six and seven psychosomatic therapists, respectively.INTERVENTION: Psychosomatic therapy, delivered by specialised exercise and physical therapists, is a multimodal and tailored treatment based on the biopsychosocial model.OUTCOME MEASURES: Experiences, opinions and views from patients' and therapists' perspective on psychosomatic therapy were identified.RESULTS: A total of 37 interviews with patients, 25 interviews and two focus groups with therapists were analysed. Three main themes emerged from the data of the patients: (1) continuous alternation of psychosocial conversations and body-oriented exercises; (2) awareness of body-mind connection and (3) good relationship with therapist. Four main themes emerged from the data of the therapists (1) building rapport; (2) continuously searching for common ground; (3) making patients aware of the interaction between body and mind; and (4) continuous alternation between exploration and treatment.CONCLUSION: According to patients as well as therapists, the continuous alternation of psychosocial conversations and body-oriented exercises to provide awareness of the interaction between body and mind are the perceived working mechanism of psychosomatic therapy. Therapeutic alliance and finding common ground between patient and therapist are prerequisites for the success of psychosomatic therapy.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NL7157 (NTR7356).
In this study, we test the immersive character in an interactive content narrative developed for Microsoft HoloLens 2 mixed reality glasses in the dining context. We use retrospective think aloud protocol (RTAP) and galvanic skin response (GSR) to explore different types of immersion that can be created through interactive content narratives. Leaning on the core dimensions of the experience economy, we expand the current understanding on the role of immersion through integration of four immersive experience facilitators. The study revealed that these immersive experience facilitators occur simultaneously and can be enhanced through interactive content narrative design. Perceived novelty and curiosity were identified as key determinants to keep consumers engaged in the immersive experience and engage with the content. The study verifies the use of galvanic skin response in combination with retrospective think aloud protocol as a suitable approach to measure emotional engagement potential in interpreting consumers’ recollection of immersive experiences.
In light of the current debate on the impact of our current food system on climate changeand related mitigation strategies, addressing the acceptance of sustainability aspects within consumerbehavioral issues is of vital importance. However, the field remains mute on how those strategies canbe designed and employed effectively to stimulate sustainable food consumption behavior. Immersivenarrative design is a promising approach to engaging consumers in this context. Within this study, weshed light on how to create immersive, impactful, interactive narratives in augmented reality (AR)together with consumers. We propose a novel approach to how those stories can be planned, utilizingparticipatory design methods. Within a step-wise process, we develop the storyboard together withconsumers. In the next step, we evaluate multiple approaches with AR application developers onhow this storyline can be enhanced in AR considering the perspective of various stakeholders likedevelopers, behavioral scientists, and consumers. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework for howimmersive narratives can be designed and validated in a collaborative, multidimensional approachfor impactful AR narrative content designs to stimulate sustainable food behavior for consumers.