Dit artikel bespreekt de relatie tussen organisatiecultuur en performance management. De auteurs stellen dat gedrag niet op zichzelf staat, maar wordt gevormd door onderliggende waarden en overtuigingen. Om performance management in de praktijk succesvol te laten zijn, moet het worden opgenomen in de organisatiecultuur. Onderzoek van De Waal (2003) laat zien dat de vier gedragsaspecten; verantwoordelijkheid, managementstijl, actiegerichtheid en communicatie van belang zijn voor goed performance management. Ten slotte wordt in het artikel nader onderzoek aangekondigd naar de cultuurelementen in het Cultuur-arenamodel van Straathof (2009) die van invloed zijn op het invoeren en toepassen van performance management.
Het tweejarige onderzoeksprogramma The Network is the Message richt zich op de effectiviteit van sociale media: wanneer zijn sociale media effectief, wat bepaalt die effectiviteit en hoe kunnen we dit meten? Startpunt in deze management summary van thema 2 ‘meten is nog niet weten’ is het inzicht dat het allemaal begint met doelstellingen. Doelstellingen zijn van essentieel belang om te kunnen bepalen of je succes hebt of niet. En bij doelstellingen horen Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), met een set zorgvuldig geselecteerde metrics die de beste bijdrage leveren om die doelstellingen in kaart te brengen. Op die manier kun je ook bepalen of je je tijd en middelen goed inzet en je misschien effectiever zou zijn deze door deze anders te verdelen.
This article describes the relation between mental health and academic performance during the start of college and how AI-enhanced chatbot interventions could prevent both study problems and mental health problems.
In the last decade, the automotive industry has seen significant advancements in technology (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles) that presents the opportunity to improve traffic safety, efficiency, and comfort. However, the lack of drivers’ knowledge (such as risks, benefits, capabilities, limitations, and components) and confusion (i.e., multiple systems that have similar but not identical functions with different names) concerning the vehicle technology still prevails and thus, limiting the safety potential. The usual sources (such as the owner’s manual, instructions from a sales representative, online forums, and post-purchase training) do not provide adequate and sustainable knowledge to drivers concerning ADAS. Additionally, existing driving training and examinations focus mainly on unassisted driving and are practically unchanged for 30 years. Therefore, where and how drivers should obtain the necessary skills and knowledge for safely and effectively using ADAS? The proposed KIEM project AMIGO aims to create a training framework for learner drivers by combining classroom, online/virtual, and on-the-road training modules for imparting adequate knowledge and skills (such as risk assessment, handling in safety-critical and take-over transitions, and self-evaluation). AMIGO will also develop an assessment procedure to evaluate the impact of ADAS training on drivers’ skills and knowledge by defining key performance indicators (KPIs) using in-vehicle data, eye-tracking data, and subjective measures. For practical reasons, AMIGO will focus on either lane-keeping assistance (LKA) or adaptive cruise control (ACC) for framework development and testing, depending on the system availability. The insights obtained from this project will serve as a foundation for a subsequent research project, which will expand the AMIGO framework to other ADAS systems (e.g., mandatory ADAS systems in new cars from 2020 onwards) and specific driver target groups, such as the elderly and novice.
Human kind has a major impact on the state of life on Earth, mainly caused by habitat destruction, fragmentation and pollution related to agricultural land use and industrialization. Biodiversity is dominated by insects (~50%). Insects are vital for ecosystems through ecosystem engineering and controlling properties, such as soil formation and nutrient cycling, pollination, and in food webs as prey or controlling predator or parasite. Reducing insect diversity reduces resilience of ecosystems and increases risks of non-performance in soil fertility, pollination and pest suppression. Insects are under threat. Worldwide 41 % of insect species are in decline, 33% species threatened with extinction, and a co-occurring insect biomass loss of 2.5% per year. In Germany, insect biomass in natural areas surrounded by agriculture was reduced by 76% in 27 years. Nature inclusive agriculture and agri-environmental schemes aim to mitigate these kinds of effects. Protection measures need success indicators. Insects are excellent for biodiversity assessments, even with small landscape adaptations. Measuring insect biodiversity however is not easy. We aim to use new automated recognition techniques by machine learning with neural networks, to produce algorithms for fast and insightful insect diversity indexes. Biodiversity can be measured by indicative species (groups). We use three groups: 1) Carabid beetles (are top predators); 2) Moths (relation with host plants); 3) Flying insects (multiple functions in ecosystems, e.g. parasitism). The project wants to design user-friendly farmer/citizen science biodiversity measurements with machine learning, and use these in comparative research in 3 real life cases as proof of concept: 1) effects of agriculture on insects in hedgerows, 2) effects of different commercial crop production systems on insects, 3) effects of flower richness in crops and grassland on insects, all measured with natural reference situations