The goal for the coming years is to get insight in the guest experience in hotels. What is guest experience? How to measure guest experience? What is the relation between guest experience and guest loyalty? And finally, what tangible elements in the physical environment of hotels and the contact with hotel employees may improve the experience of hotel guests? And in what way should these elements be changed? This paper describes the first and second step towards this goal: a theoretical background of guest experience and the development of the Guest Experience Scan for NH Hoteles. This Guest Experience Scan is a quantitative instrument trying to measure guests’ affective evaluation of the physical environment of the hotel and the contact with the hotel employees.
Waarom gaan mensen naar festivals? Hoe beleven ze een festival? Waarom komen ze wel of niet terug? Hoe kunnen festivalorganisatoren de motivatie en beleving van bezoekers effectief beïnvloeden? Wat betekenen sociale media voor de festivalbeleving? Antwoorden op deze vragen helpen festivalorganisatoren een uniek festival aan te bieden en effectiever resultaten te behalen en overtuigender te rapporteren naar subsidieverstrekkers en sponsors. Het Crossmedialab, onderdeel van het Kenniscentrum Communicatie & Journalistiek van de Hogeschool Utrecht, heeft onderzoek uitgevoerd naar festivalbeleving. Dit cahier geeft een overzicht van onder zochte theorieën en bevat een integraal overzicht van factoren die van invloed zijn op de festivalbeleving. Nieuwe inzichten en het uniek ontwikkelde model van festivalbeleving biedt onderzoekers, eventprofessionals en vakdocenten kansen voor verder onderzoek en praktische toepassing.
Globally, coastal areas can be seen as the most popular tourist-recreational destinations. Consequently, these destinations generate major visitor flows. Furthermore, they are interpreted differently by every visitor, for example depending on lifestyles and age. These two problems, or maybe chances, are the central focus in this article. More specifically, this conceptual paper examines what the typical coastal experience consists of and in which ways the producers of the tourist-recreational coastal product can anticipate this. After explaining the principles of visitor management, as defined by Ennen, a theoretical framework is presented that tries to capture the total coastal experience. Then, two existing coastal areas are projected onto this framework. Finally, some conclusions are drawn.