The paper discusses the growing importance of urban freight research given the increasing urban population trends. The complexity of urban freight systems means that it is essential for the public and private sectors to work together - one way to achieve this has been through freight partnerships. A short review of freight partnerships highlights the way in which they have fostered mutual understanding among urban freight stakeholders. The literature on shared situational awareness (SSA) and joint knowledge production (JKP) has been adapted to position freight partnerships and to further develop and link these partnerships to the concept of a living laboratory concerned with urban freight transport. This novel application of the living lab concept is introduced. Next, the first phases of a city logistics living lab brought in practice in Rotterdam are shortly mentioned. The living lab concept fits the complexities of the urban freight system well and has been a cornerstone of a recently started major freight project in the EU (CITYLAB). © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Moral food lab: Transforming the food system with crowd-sourced ethics
Over the last years a large growth in Electric Vehicles (EV) and charging infrastructure (CI) development has been observed. Particularly in metropolitan areas this growth has led to a system in which multitudes of interactions between EV users take place. While many researchers have focused on EV user charging behavior and deployment strategies for CI, little attention has been paid to conceptualizing the problem domain. This research provides a brief overview of complex systems theory, and derives six characterizing elements of complex systems that may be applicable for CI. The paper investigates both theoretically but also empirically how these characterizing elements apply for CI and provides implications for the further roll-out of CI for both policy makers and researchers. We illustrate our findings with preliminary results form ongoing research. Recommendations include the further development of simulation tools that are capable of exploring effects of e.g. non-linear behavior, feedback loops and emergence of new patterns on CI performance. In the end this paper aims to provide directions to enable policy makers to be better prepared for the anticipated exponential growth of EVs and CI.