This paper presents the search for a categorizing framework that can be used to identify and discuss teacher quality. Both policy documents on national and European levels and academic literature show a remarkable variation in categories that are used to describe teacher education. As part of a larger study where the voice of teachers is used en strengthened on the topic of teacher education, there was the need to find a categorizing framework that can be used to analyze responses from teachers on the most important qualities that teachers need.The search for a categorizing framework combines a study of academic literature on categories for teacher quality and the use of international focus groups for the development of categories for teacher qualities. Both the outcomes from the literature survey and the results from the focus groups show the complexity of defining a coherent framework for teacher qualities. Two main approaches can be identified: one by using an analytical framework with mutual exclusive categories, based on Bloom’s categories, and one based on a task analysis of the work of teachers, focusing on specific roles or identities. In both approaches, both the literature and the focus groups emphasize the importance of personal qualities of teachers.Based on the outcomes a coherent framework for teacher qualities is presented, where both approaches are combined. This framework that might help in creating a shared language for discussing teacher quality among different stakeholders and different countries.
For me the concept of the teacher educator as a agent of social change, implies that teacher educators should be focused on stimulating change and improvement in teacher education, schools and society. That focus should not only shape our teaching of student teachers, but also our research activities. This has implications for the research projects that we undertake. When research by teacher educators intends to contribute to change and improvement of practices in teacher education, schools and society, our research projects need to be understood as interventions. In the design of PhD or other research projects, not only academic requirements regarding validity should be taken into also account but also criteria that contribute to interventions and change in universities, schools and society.Effective change is a collective challenge, which requires likeminded colleagues.
The dialogue between a mentor teacher and a prospective teacher is a key element in the supervision of prospective teachers in the workplace. This literature study deals with the issue of how to conceptualize the supervisory behaviour of mentor teachers in mentoring dialogues by systematically examining empirical literature on aspects of mentor teachers' behaviour during dialogues with prospective teachers. From the findings a model is derived which can be used to describe and map mentor teachers' behaviour in mentoring dialogues. The model may be helpful in the further development of the quality of mentor teachers' behaviour in mentoring dialogues.
Advances in technology are opening up new learning opportunities, consequently having an impact on conventional teaching and learning concepts. The roles of teachers, students and universities are also being transformed worldwide. The Academy for Leisure & Events of BUas has always been part of the above quest.Therefore, it is crucial that teaching methods and learning experiences in higher education are dynamic and continuously incorporate innovative approaches as well as integrate new technologies. After all, it is essential to be prepared for the way students learn nowadays and for the future demand coming.It is now more important than ever, especially considering the challenging coronavirus times we are in, for Breda University of Applied Sciences – as a partner of this project – to actively contribute to strengthening staff capacities in innovative teaching and learning methods and digital skills. For instance by offering training courses in a blended model, combining face-to-face teacher training with MOOCs and e-learning.As designing meaningful experiences has always been at the heart of the mission and work ofthe Academy for Leisure & Events, this project builds upon further extension of networks in teaching and learning innovation in national and international higher education contexts.Partners:FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Lima, Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Universidad de Piura, Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad Vina del Mar