One might wonder how intuitive art can connect to neuroscience and how this could be accomplished. In this descriptive article, research connecting art therapy and neuroscience has been collected and a workshop on Intuitive Painting has been described in detail. The connection was made by the author based on an article by Barker (2017), ‘4 Rituals to be more Happy,’ who writes a popular science blog. The rituals: gratefulness, expressing negative emotions, decision making and human touch were combined with Dr. Pinkie Feinstein’s method of Intuitive Painting in a small group setting. Although subjective, it would seem that at least for that moment in time, a small amount of happiness was achieved through combining art and science.
This full paper works towards merging ‘frugality’ and ‘design thinking’ into a simplified framework for a workshop routine as a stepping stone for SMEs in developed countries to create and capture value of frugal innovations. Innovations which are born out of the notion that we can do more with less, or for less. This framework is aimed at reaching a specific group of SMEs, in this paper called the peloton of SMEs, a large group of SMEs which generally have lower growth ambitions and growth potential in comparison to the frontrunners. This group is often overlooked by (regional) governmental innovation programmes due to a primary focus on the same industry’s frontrunners. The framework was first tested with students, discussed with experts and eventually tested with SMEs from the Agribusiness sector in the Netherlands. Frugal Elements added to the design thinking process are; (a.) a Frugal Lens (b.) Frugal Business Model Patternsfor BMI (c.) Frugal leadership development (d.) Frugal Validation of the solution (e.) Frugal Intervention (limited time, limited theory, vertical learning community, practical tools). Although the first Pilot has been a succes in terms of helping participating SMEs to create innovations, more research is necessary for the design of a final framework which is expected to contribute to the frameworks that are currently available to SMEs in frugal and sustainable business modelling.
This research paper looks at a selection of science-fiction films and its connection with the progression of the use of television, telephone and print media. It also analyzes statistical data obtained from a questionnaire conducted by the research group regarding the use of communication media.
“Empowering learners to create a sustainable future” This is the mission of Centre of Expertise Mission-Zero at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). The postdoc candidate will expand the existing knowledge on biomimicry, which she teaches and researches, as a strategy to fulfil the mission of Mission-Zero. We know when tackling a design challenge, teams have difficulties sifting through the mass of information they encounter. The candidate aims to recognize the value of systematic biomimicry, leading the way towards the ecosystems services we need tomorrow (Pedersen Zari, 2017). Globally, biomimicry demonstrates strategies contributing to solving global challenges such as Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and human interferences, rethinking how climate and circular challenges are approached. Examples like Eastgate building (Pearce, 2016) have demonstrated successes in the field. While biomimicry offers guidelines and methodology, there is insufficient research on complex problem solving that systems-thinking requires. Our research question: Which factors are needed to help (novice) professionals initiate systems-thinking methods as part of their strategy? A solution should enable them to approach challenges in a systems-thinking manner just like nature does, to regenerate and resume projects. Our focus lies with challenges in two industries with many unsustainable practices and where a sizeable impact is possible: the built environment (Circularity Gap, 2021) and fashion (Joung, 2014). Mission Zero has identified a high demand for Biomimicry in these industries. This critical approach: 1) studies existing biomimetic tools, testing and defining gaps; 2) identifies needs of educators and professionals during and after an inter-disciplinary minor at The Hague University; and, 3) translates findings into shareable best practices through publications of results. Findings will be implemented into tangible engaging tools for educational and professional settings. Knowledge will be inclusive and disseminated to large audiences by focusing on communication through social media and intervention conferences.
In dit project zal een online onderwijsmodule worden ontworpen. In deze module zal een deel van de output van het project Bouwen met Levende Natuur worden verwerkt tot onderwijs. Het maken van online course materiaal binnen de HZ onderwijsonwikkeling, waar zowel echte casuistiek uit de de beroepspraktijk, als gebruik van ICT mogelijkheden centraal staan. Door de modulaire opbouw zal het mogelijk zijn onderdelen in verschillende courses te verwerken. De docent kan dan de module naar eigen wens, en onafhankelijk van de beschikbaarheid van interne of externe gastdocenten, inzetten voor ‘blended learning’. De benadering binnen de learning unit(s) volgt het constructivisme, activiteiten die te maken hebben met kennisoverdracht, zullen derhalve worden afgewisseld met verwerkingsopdrachten. De volledige onderwijsmodule richt zich vooral op onderwijs op het gebied van Coastal Engineering van de opleiding Civiele Techniek (CT), in eerste instantie van de Delta Academy; CT studenten blijken behoefte te hebben aan een uitleg van ecologische principes vanuit vanuit een meer technisch perspectief. De learning units/onderwijsmodule is uiteraard ook beschikbaar voor andere hbo opleidingen. Het geselecteerde gedeelte, de eerste learning unit, zal ook bruikbaar zijn voor de course Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), waarin oa het concept Building with Nature wordt uitgelegd. In de huidige vorm wordt dit onderdeel op de klassieke manier gebracht, in de vorm van een hoorcollege. De ontwikkeling van online materiaal maakt de afwisseling met het verwerken van de aangebrachte kennis eenvoudiger; de structuur daarvoor wordt in de online versie al aangebracht. Deze learning unit brengt niet alleen wat aanvullende benaderingen vanuit technisch perspectief, maar is ook een aanpassing, die het geheel hestructureert volgens het constructivisme. De course ICZM is een keuze-course, bedoeld voor Aquatische Ecotechnologie (AET), Delta Management (DM) en CT studenten; waar CT studenten meer behoefte hebben aan een technisch perspectief, heeft deze course ook te maken met DM studenten, die juist wat meer kennis zouden moeten maken met meer technische benaderingen.
My research investigates the concept of permacomputing, a blend of the words permaculture and computing, as a potential field of convergence of technology, arts, environmental research and activism, and as a subject of future school curricula in art and design. This concept originated in online subcultures, and is currently restricted to creative coding communities. I study in what way permacomputing principles may be used to redefine how art and design education is taught. More generally, I want to research the potential of permacomputing as a critical, sustainable, and practical alternative to the way digital technology is being taught in art education, where students mostly rely on tools and techniques geared towards maximising productivity and mass consumption. This situation is at odds with goals for sustainable production and consumption. I want to research to what degree the concept of permacomputing can be broadened and applied to critically revised, sustainable ways of making computing part of art and design education and professional practice. This research will be embedded in the design curriculum of Willem de Kooning Academy, focused on redefining the role of artists and designers to contribute to future modes of sustainable organisation and production. It is aligned with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences sectorplan masters VH, in particular managing and directing sustainable transitions. This research builds upon twenty years of experience in the creative industries. It is an attempt to generalise, consolidate, and structure methods and practices for sustainable art and design production experimented with while I was course director of a master programme at WdKA. Throughout the research I will be exchanging with peers and confirmed interested parties, a.o.: Het Nieuwe Instituut (NL), RUAS Creating 010 kenniscentrum (NL), Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (NO), Mikrolabs (NO), Varia (NL), Media Arts department at RHU (UK), Media Studies at UvA (NL).