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The goal of a local energy community (LEC) is to create a more sustainable, resilient, and efficient energy system by reducing dependence on centralized power sources and enabling greater participation and control by local communities and individuals. LEC requires transformations in local energy systems, and strongly depends on the preferences and actions of the local actors involved. The necessity for extensive stakeholder involvement adds complexity to the energy transition, posing a significant challenge for all involved parties. The municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg has committed to the national decision for energy transition. It has taken a strategic approach by proceeding De Heuvel/Amstelwijk as the pioneer in this initiative, leading the way for other neighborhoods to follow. It is crucial to devise strategies that effectively facilitate stakeholder engagement. To this end, a thorough stakeholder analysis is needed. Such an analysis can focus on the identification of key stakeholders, their interests, their influence, and their behavioral characteristics in relation to the energy transition. Additionally, it's crucial to uncover the challenges encountered by these stakeholders and finally develop appropriate strategies to address them hence enhance their engagement. This thesis begins with an introduction to the research background, including a presentation of the case study and a statement of the problem identified in the field, followed by the research questions underpinning the study. A thorough literature review ensues, providing a robust synthesis of existing research relating to stakeholder engagement in LECs, with a view to expediting energy transitions. The literature review not only forms the foundation for the research methods adopted in this study but also promotes in the construction of the conceptual model. Subsequent to the literature review, the research method is detailed. The filed research is conducted in five steps: Step 1 - identification of stakeholders, Step 2 - prioritization of stakeholders, Step 3 - interviewing, Step 4 - data analysis, including stakeholder profiling with mapping and addressing challenges, and finally, Step 5 - proposal of strategies for stakeholder engagement enhancement based on the expected and current levels of stakeholders engagement. This research collects necessary information to understand the profiles of stakeholders in De Heuvel/Amstelwijk, tackle challenges faced by different stakeholders, propose strategies to increase stakeholders engagement. It not only aims to enrich the depth of theoretical knowledge on the subject matter but also strives to aid in the development of a localized energy strategy that is optimally suited for the De Heuvel/Amstelwijk neighborhood as good example for other neighborhoods.
It is assumed by the projects demonstrating Positive Energy District (PED) concepts in cities across Europe that citizens should want and need to be involved in the development of new energy concepts, such as PEDs for these concepts to be deployed successfully. Six different PED research and innovation projects are investigating the types and expectations of citizen engagement. They evaluate the impact of energy citizenship on the success of PED deployment across Europe.
What is this publication about?In this publication on ‘New urban economies’, we search for answers and insights to a key question: how can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’. And, importantly, how can they do that:◗ in concertation with different urban stakeholders, ◗ responding adequately to key challenges and developments beyond their control, ◗ building on the cities’ own identity, industries and competences, ◗ in a sustainable way, ◗ and without compromising weaker groups.
In the Dutch National Environmental Vision the societal challenge of building sustainable 1 million homes by 2035, is associated to the energy and mobility transitions. New living and working locations are mapped on existing urbanized sites - mainly at catchment areas of public transportation (PT) nodes or stations – and connected to good accessibility. The stations of the future become hubs, where you can transfer from one mode of transport to another, and find places to meet up, work, exercise and eat. In order to reduce congestions and CO2 emissions, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has developed a vision on the future of public transport in PT 2040 based on Door-to-Door solutions. This requires the development of new city policies in the field of bicycle and car parking, shared mobility systems, environmental zones (car-free) and public space design. The hubs are important enablers of the mobility transition (promoting the transition from car to PT or bike, in combination with shared mobility to be prepared for a post-pandemic phase). Most stations do not meet the new mobility requirements and face problems such as lack of space for bicycle parking and shared modes, as well as lack of public space. How to improve mobility transition, make it seamless and create public space for more inviting and attractive stations for people and with less cars? WALK-IN will develop a toolkit for designers which provide generic guidelines and spatial solutions for the integration of sustainable mobility in public space at PT nodes. The toolkit is developed between and with academia, public and private partners. The project aims to develop a new network and an EU funding proposal on Energy transition and Sustainability or for the forthcoming Driving Urban Transitions program from the Joint Program Initiative Urban Europe.