Activating Relatives to Get Involved in Care After Surgery: Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study
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Reliability and validity of assessment methods available in primary care for bladder outlet obstruction and benign prostatic obstruction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms
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Wound infection following implant removal of foot, ankle, lower leg or patella; a protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the (cost-)effectiveness of 2 g of prophylactic cefazolin compared to placebo (WIFI-2 trial)
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Developing an evidence-based and theory informed intervention to involve families in patients care after surgery
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Identification of priority health conditions for field-based screening in urban slums in Bangalore, India
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Relationship between the presence of baccalaureate-educated RNs and quality of care
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De-implementation strategy to Reduce the Inappropriate use of urinary and intravenous CATheters study protocol for the RICAT-study
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Antipsychotic drug use associated with urinary tract infections in older women
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Comparative study using phenotypic, genotypic and proteomics methods for identification of coagulase-negative staphylococci