Background: Research in maternity care is often conducted in mixed low and high-risk or solely high-risk populations. This limits generalizability to the low-risk population of pregnant women receiving care from Dutch midwives. To address this limitation, 24 midwifery practices in the Netherlands bring together routinely collected data from medical records of pregnant women and their offspring in the VeCaS database. This database offers possibilities for research of physiological pregnancy and childbirth. This study explores if the pregnant women in VeCaS are a representative sample for the national population of women who receive primary midwife-led care in the Netherlands. Methods: In VeCaS we selected a low risk population in midwife-led care who gave birth in 2015. We compared population characteristics and birth outcomes in this study cohort with a similarly defined national cohort, using Chi Square and two side t-test statistics. Additionally, we describe some birth outcomes and lifestyle factors. Results: Midwifery practices contributing to VeCaS are spread over the Netherlands, although the western region is underrepresented. For population characteristics, the VeCaS cohort is similar to the national cohort in maternal age (mean 30.4 years) and parity (nulliparous women: 47.1% versus 45.9%). Less often, women in the VeCaS cohort have a non-Dutch background (15.7% vs 24.4%), a higher SES (9.9% vs 23.7%) and live in an urbanised surrounding (4.9% vs 24.8%). Birth outcomes were similar to the national cohort, most women gave birth at term (94.9% vs 94.5% between 37 + 0–41+ 6 weeks), started labour spontaneously (74.5% vs 75.5%) and had a spontaneous vaginal birth (77.4% vs 77.6%), 16.9% had a home birth. Furthermore, 61.1% had a normal pre-pregnancy BMI, and 81.0% did not smoke in pregnancy. Conclusions: The VeCaS database contains data of a population that is mostly comparable to the national population in primary midwife-led care in the Netherlands. Therefore, the VeCaS database is suitable for research in a healthy pregnant population and is valuable to improve knowledge of the physiological course of pregnancy and birth. Representativeness of maternal characteristics may be improved by including midwifery practices from the urbanised western region in the Netherlands.
Background: Post-term pregnancy, a pregnancy exceeding 294 days or 42 completed weeks, is associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality and is considered a high-risk condition which requires specialist surveillance and induction of labour. However, there is uncertainty on the policy concerning the timing of induction for post-term pregnancy or impending post-term pregnancy, leading to practice variation between caregivers. Previous studies on induction at or beyond 41 weeks versus expectant management showed different results on perinatal outcome though conclusions in meta-analyses show a preference for induction at 41 weeks. However, interpretation of the results is hampered by the limited sample size of most trials and the heterogeneity in design. Most control groups had a policy of awaiting spontaneous onset of labour that went far beyond 42 weeks, which does not reflect usual care in The Netherlands where induction of labour at 42 weeks is the regular policy. Thus leaving the question unanswered if induction at 41 weeks results in better perinatal outcomes than expectant management until 42 weeks. Methods/design: In this study we compare a policy of labour induction at 41 + 0/+1 weeks with a policy of expectant management until 42 weeks in obstetrical low risk women without contra-indications for expectant management until 42 weeks and a singleton pregnancy in cephalic position. We will perform a multicenter randomised controlled clinical trial. Our primary outcome will be a composite outcome of perinatal mortality and neonatal morbidity. Secondary outcomes will be maternal outcomes as mode of delivery (operative vaginal delivery and Caesarean section), need for analgesia and postpartum haemorrhage (≥1000 ml). Maternal preferences, satisfaction, wellbeing, pain and anxiety will be assessed alongside the trial. Discussion: his study will provide evidence for the management of pregnant women reaching a gestational age of 41 weeks.
Background The caesarean delivery (CD) rate has risen in most countries over the last decades, but it remains relatively low in the Netherlands. Our objective was to analyse the trends of CD rates in various subgroups of women between 2000 and 2010, and identify the practice pattern that is attributable to the relative stability of the Dutch CD rate. Methods A total of 1,935,959 women from the nationwide Perinatal Registry of the Netherlands were included. Women were categorized into ten groups based on the modified CD classification scheme. Trends of CD rates in each group were described. Results The overall CD rate increased slightly from 14.0% in 2000–2001 to 16.7% in 2010. Fetal, early and late neonatal mortality rates decreased by 40–50% from 0.53%, 0.21%, 0.04% in 2000–2001 to 0.29%, 0.12%, 0.02% in 2010, respectively. During this period, the prevalence of non-vertex presentation decreased from 6.7% to 5.3%, even though the CD rate in this group was high. The nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labor at term and a singleton child in vertex presentation had a CD rate of 9.9%, and 64.7% of multiparouswomen with at least one previous uterine scar and a singleton child in vertex presentation had a trial of labor and the success rate of vaginal delivery was 45.9%. Conclusions The Dutch experience indicates that external cephalic version for breech presentation, keeping the CD rate low in nulliparous women and encouraging a trial of labor in multiparous women with a previous scar, could help to keep the overall CD rate steady
Een op de vier vrouwen heeft last van vaginale verzakking. Dit ontstaat doordat de bekkenbodemspieren uitrekken of beschadigd raken, vaak na een zwangerschap en een (vaginale) bevalling. Bij het ouder worden leidt een verzakking vaak tot klachten zoals pijn en incontinentie. Opereren wordt het liefst vermeden wegens complicatierisico’s, het gebruik van een pessarium is een goed alternatief. Een pessarium is een ring of kapje die in de vagina wordt gebracht en ervoor zorgt dat blaas en baarmoeder weer op hun normale plaats komen te liggen. Klachten kunnen zo verminderen of verdwijnen. Voorwaarde is dat het pessarium de goede maat heeft en op de juiste plaats zit en dat is dan ook gelijk de uitdaging: het aanmeten van een geschikt pessarium is trial-en-error en niet prettig. Bovendien kan na het plaatsen van een pessarium irritatie aan de vaginawand ontstaan. Elke 3-6 maanden moet het pessarium worden schoongemaakt, waarvoor met name oudere patiënten teruggaan naar de huisarts of gynaecologe. Om de zelfredzaamheid van deze vrouwen te verhogen is een pessarium dat 1) men zelf makkelijk in- en uit kan doen en goed schoon te maken is, en 2) eenvoudig op de juiste maat te verkrijgen en aan te meten is, dan ook zeer wenselijk. Er zijn mogelijkheden met 3D scannen en 3D printen. In dit project wordt door Saxion lectoraten Industrial Design en Technology, Health & Care, FabLab Enschede, Gynaecologen Coöperatie Oost Nederland (Gycon) en ziekenhuis ZGT een verbeterd pessarium ontwikkeld. Lectoraat Industrial Design en FabLab Enschede brengen kennis op het gebied van gebruiksonderzoek en 3D printen/scannen. Lectoraat Technology, Health & Care brengt kennis over adoptie van nieuwe technologieën in de zorg. Gycon levert medische kennis en samenwerking met cliënten Voor ZGT is dit een manier om ervaring op te doen met 3D printen in samenwerking met ziekenhuis MST 3D-printlab.