This paper examines how the learning environment in primary education can be enhanced by stimulating the use of innovative ICT applications. In particular, this discussion focuses on mind tools as a means of leveraging ICT for the development of cognitive skills. The stimulating effect of mind tools on the thinking skills and thinking attitudes of students is examined. The various types of mind tools and a number of specific examples are closely examined. We consider how mind tools can contribute to the establishment of an ICT-rich learning environment within the domain of technology education in primary schools. We illustrate two specific applications of such mind tools and discuss how these contribute to the development of thinking skills.
Verifying information is one of the core activities of journalism. However, recent research shows that many stories derive from unchecked information from news agencies and PR material. That being said, reporters who do not use this pre-packaged material, but who instead produce original stories based on independent research, might be journalists who stay devoted to the verification of information. Therefore, this study focuses on in-depth stories that originated inside the newsroom. We expected that these kinds of stories would be checked and double-checked, because time constraints are less important and these stories are characteristic of independent, quality journalism. Contrary to this expectation, the results show that even these kinds of stories are not always vetted. The lack of time was seldom mentioned as an excuse. Our research points to avoidance mechanisms which inhibit journalists from verifying their information.
This essay is based on research promoted by INDIRE, Italian NationalInstitute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Researchin Education, and is developed under the research on ‘Professionalnetworks, Educational models and School principal’s profile in Italy’. Onthe basis of observation and analysis of research data, a new theoryis assumed and new characteristics are defined, belonging to bothprofessional networks and educational models applied to all typesof professional networks. The characteristics so far identified are:plastic nature of networks, network punctuated equilibrium, networkconnectivity, emergent behavior and sociality of network members.It is also shown how the knowledge shared in a network materializes inEvents that produce Event Capital. The theory will be complemented byan experimentation phase.