2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).The authors put forward a hypothesis about absence of fear among modern generation’s young people that is connected with impossibility of business in Russia. On the base of the hypothesis authors have conducted a research by projective method within 156 respondents, studying at high school, on the base of which has been conclusion about a necessity of large-scale research in this field received.
Dit bestand bevat het marketingcommunicatieplan, het verantwoordingsdocument en alle overige vereiste documenten.
This chapter discusses the role of education in the preparation of the next generation of entrepreneurs in nature conservation. Departing from the traditional conservation education, which emphasizes ecological management, the chapter is a plea for incorporating entrepreneurship in the curricula of educational programmes on rewilding ecosystems. An Erasmus Intensive Programme on European Wilderness Entrepreneurship is presented as a case study. A set of competences is defined and operationalized based on the evaluation of the first edition of the programme undertaken in Rewilding Europe’s pilot area in Western Iberia. Aspects of the learning strategies and learning environment are presented and reviewed. The conclusion of this chapter is that to learn wilderness entrepreneurship competences, an environment should be created in which students, teachers and stakeholder co-learn at the boundaries of their comfort zones.
The European creative visual industry is undergoing rapid technological development, demanding solid initiatives to maintain a competitive position in the marketplace. AVENUE, a pan-European network of Centres of Vocational Excellence, addresses this need through a collaboration of five independent significant ecosystems, each with a smart specialisation. AVENUE will conduct qualified industry-relevant research to assess, analyse, and conclude on the immediate need for professional training and educational development. The primary objective of AVENUE is to present opportunities for immediate professional and vocational training, while innovating teaching and learning methods in formal education, to empower students and professionals in content creation, entrepreneurship, and innovation, while supporting sustainability and healthy working environments. AVENUE will result in a systematised upgrade of workforce to address the demand for new skills arising from rapid technological development. Additionally, it will transform the formal education within the five participating VETs, making them able to transition from traditional artistic education to delivering skills, mindsets and technological competencies demanded by a commercial market. AVENUE facilitates mobility, networking and introduces a wide range of training formats that enable effective training within and across the five ecosystems. A significant portion of the online training is Open Access, allowing professionals from across Europe to upgrade their skills in various processes and disciplines. The result of AVENUE will be a deep-rooted partnership between five strong ecosystems, collaborating to elevate the European industry. More than 2000 professionals, employees, students, and young talents will benefit from relevant and immediate upgrading of competencies and skills, ensuring that the five European ecosystems remain at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness in the creative visual industry.
De postdoc kandidaat, Tanja Moerdijk, zal op structurele wijze de reeds door haar gemaakte verbinding tussen het lectoraat Marine Biobased Specialties (MBBS) en de opleiding Chemie van HZ University of Applied Sciences verder uitbouwen en bestendigen. Streven is dat het MBBS Bioprospecten onderzoek zichtbaar is in alle studiejaren van de opleiding Chemie en praktijkcasuïstiek structureel ingebracht wordt in het curriculum. De postdoc is daarom betrokken bij alle studiejaren van de opleiding. Zij zal de ontwikkeling van een geïntegreerde onderzoeksleerlijn in het Chemie curriculum coördineren, welke gevoed wordt vanuit het MBBS onderzoeksprogramma waardoor inbedding van onderzoek in de opleiding wordt geborgd. Verdieping, overdracht en deling van kennis met betrekking tot het chemische smaak- en textuurprofiel van zeewier zal uitgevoerd worden door zowel postdoc als studenten door te participeren in het uitvoeren van praktijkgericht onderzoek aan (polymeer)moleculen uit zeewier in samenwerking met de zeewierproducenten. Deze kennis zal uiteindelijk bijdragen aan een duurzame productie en verwerking van zeewier tot eindproducten voor de consument. Omdat het onderwerp breed en maatschappelijke relevant is, creëert het bovendien de mogelijkheid voor andere opleidingen en onderzoeksgroepen om de verbinding eenvoudig te kunnen oppakken. De postdoc gaat de daadwerkelijke verbinding maken tussen onderzoekers, docenten en studenten. De postdoc ontwikkelt tevens projectleiderschapsvaardigheden door het volgen van een training en door lopende projecten binnen het MBBS onderzoek te benutten om samenwerking met (inter)nationale kennisinstellingen en bedrijven uit te bouwen. De postdoc zal begeleid en ondersteund worden in de uitvoering van haar activiteiten door lector en opleidingscoördinator (olc) (onder andere on the job en formele planningsafspraken), Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy (CoE BBE) alsmede het HZ kernteam CoE BBE (uitbouwen netwerk). Het personeelsbeleid en functiereeks onderwijs en onderzoek van de HZ voorzien in de ontwikkelingsmogelijkheid van de postdoc.
Meaningful applications in education, healthcare and media. The first spearhead concerns the use of virtual humans (AI-driven, digital people) in various sectors of society such as education, healthcare and media. The shortages of labour affect all sectors and the use of AI and virtual humans can contribute to solutions. Think of a virtual 'buddy' for lonely elderly people, a virtual teacher for education and training of digital coaches and assistants. But also of serious games that measure or influence behaviour and digital twins (digital copies of objects, systems or plans) for better decision-making. The second pillar of the project focuses on the further growth of the region as an innovation district. To this end, collaborations between knowledge institutions, organisations and companies established in the Spoorzone are stimulated. The result is that (young) talent is committed to the region; also one of the objectives of the Regio Deal Midden-Brabant.Societal issueCombating a digital divide so that the (digital) society remains accessible and fair for everyone - even if you are not very technically minded - is also a spearhead. Benefit for societyBy developing the innovation district for society, we create a magnet function for:Socially involved experts (knowledge institutions), companies, social organizations, citizens and investors. Students/young talent with innovative power who are challenged to new solutions and entrepreneurship. Companies that want to bring new solutions to the market, that invest in R&D and want to establish themselves close to talent;o Attractive jobs in the companies mentioned so that young talent commits to the region and can “work for the best brands” there.In addition to structural reinforcement by the innovation district, the technology of virtual humans is being researched in the practice of health, care, welfare, education and media. The concrete projects in this proposal are already achieving initial results in this area; applications that meet social needs or that provide social solutions.