
Augmented reality advertising via a mobile app


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Augmented reality (AR) mobile app advertising offers new opportunities for interactiveconsumer engagement to boost advertising effectiveness and elicit positive consumerresponses. In this study, we investigate the role of escapism by analyzing itsantecedents and consequences. We aim to shed light on how AR mobile app adver-tising can be used to enhance escapism experiences by considering two psychologicalmechanisms of mental imagery: narrative transportation (in response to ad storytelling)and spatial immersion. The consequences of escapism experiences include positivesocial media sharing, purchase intentions through brand attitudes, and new brandengagement via AR mobile app advertising. Prior brand preference does not affect therelationship between escapism and consumer responses after exposure to immersiveAR advertising. Our findings have meaningful implications for how industrypractitioners can enhance escapism in the context of AR mobile app advertising.

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