
Competences of an engineer : projects and competences in education


The curriculum of the Electrical and Electronic Department has been changed enormously in the past decade. Fewer lessons and many more projects were introduced. Meanwhile it has become a topic at Dutch educational institutes to feel not only responsible for improvement of theoretical and practical skills, but also of 'competences' in a broader sense. The projects are quite well guided in the beginning and become much more open ended in the last part of the curriculum. In that last part we also work with industrial and with international partners in IPD projects. It turns out that students want to keep the same roles in the teams that they are subsequentially a member of. With the introduction of competences and the aid of a student portfolio we want to give opportunities to the students to improve their competences. We try to persuade them to play many different roles in the project teams. In this paper we show you how we are implementing our ideas.



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