
Developing a Human Centred AI Masters

the Good, the Bad and the Ugly


The increasing use of AI in industry and society not only expects but demands that we build human-centred competencies into our AI education programmes. The computing education community needs to adapt, and while the adoption of standalone ethics modules into AI programmes or the inclusion of ethical content into traditional applied AI modules is progressing, it is not enough. To foster student competencies to create AI innovations that respect and support the protection of individual rights and society, a novel ground-up approach is needed. This panel presents on one such approach, the development of a Human-Centred AI Masters (HCAIM) as well as the insights and lessons learned from the process. In particular, we discuss the design decisions that have led to the multi-institutional master’s programme. Moreover, this panel allows for discussion on pedagogical and methodological approaches, content knowledge areas and the delivery of such a novel programme, along with challenges faced, to inform and learn from other educators that are considering developing such programmes.



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