
Do individual characteristics matter? The quality of work during the implementation of a workflow management system in a Dutch social insurance company


Do individual characteristics influence how the quality of work is related to the use of a workflow management system (WFM) in a Dutch social insurance organisation? This key question is addressed in this paper. Building upon DeLone and McLean’s model, we investigated the effects of gender, age, education, system experience and computer skills on the relationship between the level of user satisfaction with a WFM system and the perceived quality of work. The expected effects of individual characteristics were tested using survey data collected from 143 end users of a large Dutch social insurance organisation that recently deployed a WFM system. The results of the regression analysis show that: 1 user satisfaction has a positive relationship with quality of work 2 age has a significant moderating influence on the perceived quality of work 3 gender and system experience have no moderating effects 4 education and system computer skills (as individual characteristics) had a degree of moderating effects.
These results imply that it is valuable to focus on older employees when deploying information technology as WFM systems, i.e., by improving their computer skills in particular.




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