
People’s climate in shrinking areas


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Chapter of a report that presents a case study of the City of Heerlen, Netherlands, a shrinking city that identifies cultural policy as an important factor in vitalising the city. Heerlen has made significant investments into culture and is experiencing a “cultural spring”. This promotes a positive climate in the city, despite the shrinking and ageing population. This chapter identifies examples of good practice for the revitalisation of the city, in particular how culture and the development of social networks are contributing. It explores: Zachte G Network for Creative Economy: a community of creative individuals in the region of Heerlen, connecting cultural and creative entrepreneurship; and Design for Emptiness-Challenge: a project in which entrepreneurs, artists and project developers build concepts for empty buildings in the town centre. The project mobilises citizens to participate actively in the discussion on shrinking cities. Finally, the chapter ends with conclusions, in which the importance of investing in people’s climate in general and cultural policies in particular, in a shrinking city is emphasised.

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