
Recognizing Resillience: Development and Validation of an Instrument to Recognize Resilience in Dutch Middle-Adolescents.


This paper presents the development and construct validation of an instrument for identification of resilient and less-resilient middle adolescents in high school.
Purpose of this identification is a qualitative in-depth interview study of perceptions of resilient and less resilient middle-adolescents on their school environment. The qualitative study will function as examination of contentvalidity of the presented instrument. A 33-item Resilient Behavior Questionnaire (VVL) and a 105-item personality questionnaire NPV-J (Dutch Personality Questionnaire- Youngsters) were administered to a sample of 400 middle adolescent high school students (age range 14-16). It was hypothesized that scores on specific components in the VVL would correlate highly with relevant factors of personality in the NPV-J. Principal Component Analysis and Correlation Analysis served as methods of investigation. Results of the quantitative study reveal three components in the VVL and a high correlation between the scores on these components and the resilient personality factor perseverance and non-resilient factor inadequacy in the NPV-J. Discussion focuses on explanation of the results and implications for further development of the VVL.




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