
Unlocking circular opportunities: leveraging data analytics for data-driven decision-making in hospitality organizations.


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The hospitality industry, comprising diverse Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) such as restaurants, hotels, and catering facilities plays an important role in local and regional communities by providing employment opportunities, facilitating the organization of community events, and supporting local social activities and sports teams (Panteia, 2023). The hospitality industry thereby represents a major source of income in Europe, but also a commensurate burden on the environment because of its relatively high usage of water and energy consumption, and food waste, leading to the formulation of several initiatives to increase the sustainability of hotels, restaurants, and resorts, such as farm to fork and towel reuse (Bux & Amicarelli, 2023). Another avenue for hospitality organizations to make progress towards sustainability goals is through circular economy strategies (Bux & Amicarelli, 2023) based on the creation of small regenerative loops that require the involvement of multiple stakeholders (Tomassini & Cavagnaro, 2022). Nevertheless, hospitality operators need to track their progress towards sustainability goals while keep sight of their financial goals (Bux & Amicarelli, 2023), requiring a data-driven decision-making approach to sustainability and circularity. Big data analytics have therefore been identified as an enabler of the circular economy paradigm by reducing uncertainty and allowing organizations to predict results (Awan et al., 2021; Gupta et al., 2019). Hospitality organizations however remain behind in leveraging data analytics for decisionmaking (Mariani & Baggio, 2022). The purpose of the study is therefore to examine how hospitality organizations can leverage data analytics to make data-driven decisions regarding circularity. Using a multiple case study approach of three Dutch hospitality SMEs, enablers and inhibitors of data analytics for datadriven decisions regarding circularity are examined. This addresses the call by Tomassini and Cavagnaro (2022) for more exploration of the circularity paradigm in hospitality. Despite the ongoing interest in increasing the sustainability of the hospitality industry (European Commission, 2013), relatively little attention has been paid to the development of circularity strategies and what is needed to implement them.

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