


Doel project:
This project aims to explore the feasibility of developing collaborative drones, known as "Sky-workers," that
can work together to transport large objects at high altitudes in outdoor settings. The study, conducted by
industrial partners along with Saxion and RUG, will focus on accurate localization using onboard sensors and
safe interaction controllers for collaborative aerial transport. Initial proof-of-concepts will be developed, with
the results used to expand the network and plan a larger project to create a comprehensive framework for
collaborative drones.
Wat zijn de uitkomsten van het project: verslag Jurre.
The project developed initial proof-of-concepts for collaborative drones. The results were used to expand the
consortium and plan a larger project to address additional critical aspects, aiming to create a comprehensive
framework for collaborative drones. This project contributed to strengthening the Netherlands' position as a
strong knowledge economy, given the global trend and market potential of drones. The challenges were
recognized as:
 GPS-Denied Area.
 Tight Space for Navigation.
 Low Cost System
The algorithm used fiducial markers (ArUco) for vision-based precision landing, combining an image filter and
a Kalman filter to improve marker recognition under challenging conditions. A UAV-mounted camera detected
markers and calculated landing guidance commands. Relative position and orientation data were used to
compute velocity commands, with alignment achieved through proportional control gains. The Kalman filter
smoothed position and orientation data, ensuring robust data continuity even with partial marker occlusion.
Based on the conducted study it was understood that following topics needs to be further developed:
-Drone Detection.
-Inventory Scanning.
-Docking (Precise Landing).
-Collaboration (Controlling).
Vervolg project:
The follow-up project are in preparation for incorporating the Active Dock station where mobile dock station
will be autonomously employed for multiple applications.
Figure 1. Developed Drone platform for testing research question in the Skyworker projec


In the past decade, particularly smaller drones have started to claim their share of the sky due to their potential applications in the civil sector as flying-eyes, noses, and very recently as flying hands. Network partners from various application domains: safety, Agro, Energy & logistic are curious about the next leap in this field, namely, collaborative Sky-workers.

Their main practical question is essentially:

“Can multiple small drones transport a large object over a high altitude together in outdoor applications?”

The industrial partners, together with Saxion and RUG, will conduct feasibility study to investigate if it is possible to develop these collaborative Sky-workers and to identify which possibilities this new technology will offer. Design science research methodology, which focuses on solution-oriented applied research involving multiple iterations with rigorous evaluations, will be used to research the feasibility of the main technological building blocks. They are:

• Accurate localization based on onboard sensors.
• Safe and optimal interaction controller for collaborative aerial transport

Within this project, the first proof-of-concepts will be developed. The results of this project will be used to expand the existing network and formulate a bigger project to address additional critical aspects in order to develop a complete framework for collaborative drones.


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