
Tourism in Balance.


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Tourism has been a growing industry in Europe in the last decades till 2020. Numerous cities were suffering from too many visitors what resulted in problems regarding support (of inhabitants) and carrying capacity of the destination. Then COVID-19 changed the world and tourism collapsed.

Now, two years after the pandemic, cities and regions need to develop new strategies to rebuild tourism. Cities where there is overtourism are facing an extra challenge: to find a good balance between visitors, communities and environment.

Six cities and regions (Amsterdam (NL), Krakow (PL), Tallinn (EST), Andalucía/Sevilla (ES), Rome (IT) and Brasov (RO)) that (regularly) experience over-tourism have joined forces how to develop new policy strategies to better distribute tourism in time and space.

The objective of the project is to improve the performance of the local-regional strategies and policies by strengthening their contribution to find balance in tourism with a focus on spreading tourism over a wider area, making use of the opportunities offered by the city and region. The project aims to strengthen the positive effects of tourism and to reduce the negative effects of tourism.

Collaborative partners
Amsterdam Municipality, Metropolitan City of Rome, Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Tourism Regeneration Justice and Local Administration Regional Government of Andalucía, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Municipality of Krakow.

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