The age estimation of biological traces is one of the holy grails in forensic investigations. We developed a method for the age estimation of semen stains using fluorescence spectroscopy in conjunction with a stoichiometric ageing model. The model describes the degradation and generation rate of proteins and fluorescent oxidation products (FOX) over time. The previously used fluorimeter is a large benchtop device and requires system optimization for forensic applications. In situ applications have the advantage that measurements can be performed directly at the crime scene, without additional sampling or storage steps. Therefore, a portable fiber-based fluorimeter was developed, consisting of two optimized light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and two spectrometers to allow the fluorescence protein and FOX measurements. The handheld fiber can be used without touching the traces, avoiding the destruction or contamination of the trace. In this study, we have measured the ageing kinetics of semen stains over time using both our portable fluorimeter and a laboratory benchtop fluorimeter and compared their accuracies for the age estimation of semen stains. Successful age estimation was possible up to 11 days, with a mean absolute error of 1.0 days and 0.9 days for the portable and the benchtop fluorimeters, respectively. These results demonstrate the potential of using the portable fluorimeter for in situ applications.
Purpose:The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) recommends researchers to investigate a widevariety of behavioural and health outcomes. However, researchers often investigate only a part of occupationalhealth (OH) in relation to light. A literature study (2002–2017) regarding the relationship between office lightingconditions and OH was performed to identify gaps and methodological issues.Method:The OH outcomes investigated in this paper were grouped according to the International Classificationof Diseases and analysed per category: physical and physiological health, mental health, eye health, sleep param-eters and visual comfort.Results:Findings from the literature study (20 eligible papers) showed that all OH aspects were mostly but notexclusively measured subjectively. Furthermore, most studies investigated only a fraction of office lighting par-ameters and OH aspects.Conclusions:It seems that Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) and illuminance mainly correlate with OH.However, this may also be explained by gaps and methodological issues in studies described in eligible papers.Based on the literature study, an overview was composed elucidating gaps and methodological issues of officelighting and OH studies. It can be used to design and target the purpose of light and health research.
On the 11th of March, just a few days aheadof COVID – 19, the team working on the ELISEUse Case “Comparative analysis of differentmethodologies and datasets for EnergyPerformance Labelling of buildings” organizedthe 2nd European SimStadt workshop atSaxion University of Applied Sciences inEnschede, hosted by the Saxion researchgroup Sustainable Building Technology (SBT).SimStadt is a workflow-driven urban energysimulation platform for CityGML city modelsenabling solar potential- , heating demand- ,environmental- and district heating networkanalysis. Linking urban simulation platformsto CityGML models allows the use ofgeospatial information to enrich data modelsto be used for scenario analysis, e.g. relatedto energy transition. However, the rapid andwidespread development of applications andtools requires the European Commission tofocus on harmonization measures for dataformats.