1. We assessed the hypothesized negative correlation between the influence of multiple predators and body condition and fecundity of the European hare, from 13 areas in the Netherlands. 2. Year-round abundance of predators was estimated by hunters. We quantified predator influence as the sum of their field metabolic rates, as this sum reflects the daily food requirements of multiple individuals. We determined the ratio between body mass and hindfoot length of hares as an index of body condition and the weight of their adrenal gland as a measure of chronic exposure to stress, and we counted the number of placental scars to estimate fecundity of hares. 3. As hypothesized, we found that the sum of field metabolic rate of predators was negatively correlated with body condition and the number of placental scars, whereas it was positively related to the weight of the adrenal glands. In contrast to the sum of the field metabolic rate, the total number of predators did not or weakly affect the investigated risk responses. 4. The sum of the field metabolic rate can be a useful proxy for the influence of multiple predators and takes into account predator abundance, type, body weight, and food requirements of multiple predators. 5. With our findings, our paper contributes to a better understanding of the risk effects of multiple predators on prey fitness. Additionally, we identify a potential contributor to the decline of European hare populations.
Objective: This study evaluated the effect of an after-school group-based medium-intensity multicomponent behavioural intervention programme for children aged 8–12 years classified as overweight, obese or at risk for overweight on body mass index standard deviation score (BMI SDS). In accordance with standardized protocols body weight and height were measured in 195 participants (88 boys, 107 girls) at baseline and at the end of the programme. A total of 166 children derived from a school-based monitoring system served as control group. Multivariate regression analyses examined the effect of the intervention and the independent factors associated with better outcomes in the intervention group. Results: Analysis of covariance showed a significant intervention effect on BMO SDS in favour of the intervention group (b-coefficient - 0.13 ± 0.03; p < 0.01) compared with the control group. Change in BMI SDS between baseline and follow-up in the intervention group was associated with baseline age (b-coefficient 0.03 ± 0.02; p=0.04) but was independent from gender, ethnicity, baseline BMI SDS, time between baseline and follow-up, school year and attendance rate.
Background & aims: Low muscle mass and -quality on ICU admission, as assessed by muscle area and -density on CT-scanning at lumbar level 3 (L3), are associated with increased mortality. However, CT-scan analysis is not feasible for standard care. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) assesses body composition by incorporating the raw measurements resistance, reactance, and phase angle in equations. Our purpose was to compare BIA- and CT-derived muscle mass, to determine whether BIA identified the patients with low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan, and to determine the relation between raw BIA and raw CT measurements. Methods: This prospective observational study included adult intensive care patients with an abdominal CT-scan. CT-scans were analysed at L3 level for skeletal muscle area (cm2) and skeletal muscle density (Hounsfield Units). Muscle area was converted to muscle mass (kg) using the Shen equation (MMCT). BIA was performed within 72 h of the CT-scan. BIA-derived muscle mass was calculated by three equations: Talluri (MMTalluri), Janssen (MMJanssen), and Kyle (MMKyle). To compare BIA- and CT-derived muscle mass correlations, bias, and limits of agreement were calculated. To test whether BIA identifies low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan, ROC-curves were constructed. Furthermore, raw BIA and CT measurements, were correlated and raw CT-measurements were compared between groups with normal and low phase angle. Results: 110 patients were included. Mean age 59 ± 17 years, mean APACHE II score 17 (11–25); 68% male. MMTalluri and MMJanssen were significantly higher (36.0 ± 9.9 kg and 31.5 ± 7.8 kg, respectively) and MMKyle significantly lower (25.2 ± 5.6 kg) than MMCT (29.2 ± 6.7 kg). For all BIA-derived muscle mass equations, a proportional bias was apparent with increasing disagreement at higher muscle mass. MMTalluri correlated strongest with CT-derived muscle mass (r = 0.834, p < 0.001) and had good discriminative capacity to identify patients with low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan (AUC: 0.919 for males; 0.912 for females). Of the raw measurements, phase angle and skeletal muscle density correlated best (r = 0.701, p < 0.001). CT-derived skeletal muscle area and -density were significantly lower in patients with low compared to normal phase angle. Conclusions: Although correlated, absolute values of BIA- and CT-derived muscle mass disagree, especially in the high muscle mass range. However, BIA and CT identified the same critically ill population with low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan. Furthermore, low phase angle corresponded to low skeletal muscle area and -density. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02555670).
Aanleiding De somatische zorg voor patiënten met een ernstige psychische aandoening (EPA) schiet in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg op een aantal punten ernstig tekort. Dit leidt ertoe dat deze patiënten eerder ziek worden en een beduidend kortere levensverwachting hebben dan gemiddeld. In navolging van de groeiende aandacht binnen de gezondheidszorg voor dit thema, zijn er landelijk twee multidisciplinaire richtlijnen ontwikkeld. De eerste richtlijn is voor somatische screening bij patiënten met EPA en de tweede voor de toepassing van leefstijlinterventies ter bevordering van de gezondheid van deze patiënten. De interventies vinden o.a. plaats op voeding, bewegen, roken, alcoholgebruik, middelenmisbruik, slaap en seksueel risicovol gedrag. In dit RAAK-project worden de twee richtlijnen aan de praktijk getoetst. Doelstelling Het RAAK-project beoogt implementatie en evaluatie van de reeds ontwikkelde richtlijnen in twee GGZ-instellingen bij een groep van 750 patiënten. De (post-)hbo-opgeleide verpleegkundig specialisten vervullen een spilfunctie bij de uitvoering van de screening en de leefstijlinterventies en hebben een coördinerende functie naar andere betrokken disciplines (arts, psychiater, diëtist, fysiotherapeut, etc.). Bij gebleken gezondheidsproblemen wordt effectieve behandeling ingezet, gemonitord en geëvalueerd. Ter ondersteuning van de verpleegkundigen zijn de belangrijkste aanbevelingen uit de richtlijnen vertaald in twee methodieken: de Verpleegkundige Monitoring bij Somatiek en Leefstijl (VMSL-GGZ) en Leefstijl in Beeld. Hierbij horen e-healthtools en een e-learningmodule. Een uitgebreide evaluatie zal uitwijzen of de richtlijnen rond somatiek en leefstijl effectief geïmplementeerd kunnen worden in de GGZ-beroepspraktijk. Boogde resultaten Het project brengt tot op het niveau van de patiënt de resultaten in beeld van het werken met richtlijnen en methodieken bij: 1) screening van patiënten met een ernstige psychische aandoening op dreigende gezondheidsproblemen; 2) toepassing van interventies als de gezondheid in gevaar is. De bij de methodieken horende e-healthtools en e-learningmodule zijn doorontwikkeld en breed inzetbaar. Verspreiding van kennis en ervaring die is opgedaan in het project vindt plaats via de netwerken van het consortium. Borging van de inzichten in het onderwijs is eveneens een primaire doelstelling.