The emergence of organic planning practices in the Netherlands introduces new, non-conventional, local actors initiating bottom-up urban developments. Dissatisfied with conventional practices and using opportunities during the 2008 financial crisis, these actors aim to create social value, thus challenging prevailing institutions. Intrigued by such actors becoming more present and influential in urban planning and development processes, we aim to identify who they are. We use social entrepreneurship and niche formation theories to analyse and identify three types of social entrepreneurs. The first are early pioneers, adopting roles of a developer and end-user, but lacking position and power to realize goals. Secondly, by acting as boundary spanners and niche entrepreneurs, they evolve towards consolidated third sector organizations in the position to realize developments. A third type are intermediate agents facilitating developments as boundary spanners and policy entrepreneurs, without pursuing urban development themselves but aiming at realizing broader policy goals. Our general typology provides a rich picture of actors involved in bottom-up urban developments by applying theories from domains of innovation management and business transition management to urban planning and development studies. It shows that the social entrepreneurs in bottom-up urban development can be considered the result of social innovation, but this social innovation is set within a neoliberal context, and in many cases passively or actively conditioned by states and markets.
This paper presents challenges in city logistics for circular supply chains of e-e-waste. Efficient e-waste management is one of the strategies to save materials, critical minerals, and precious metals. E-waste collection and recycling have gained attention recently due to lower collection and recycling rates. However, implementing circular urban supply chains is a significant economic transformation that can only work if coordination decisions are solved between the actors involved. On the one hand, this requires the implementation of efficient urban collection technologies, where waste collection companies collaborate with manufacturers, urban waste treatment specialists, and city logistics service providers supported by digital solutions for visibility and planning. On the other hand, it also requires implementing urban and regional ecosystems connected by innovative CO2-neutral circular city logistics systems. These systems must smoothly and sustainably manage the urban and regional flow of resources and data, often at a large scale and with interfaces between industrial processes, private, and public actors. This paper presents future research questions from a city logistics perspective based on a European project aimed at developing a blueprint for systemic solutions for the circularity of plastics from applications of rigid PU foams used as insulation material in refrigerators.
CC-BY 4.0 In this report the research focusses on designing a method to circularly redesign a road in neigbourhood participation. Municipalities are becoming more aware of their environmental footprint. The construction andrenovation of public spaces come with the transport and processing of large volumes of concrete, clay bricks and asphalt. We are in the transition towards a circular economy. In the CityLoops project we propose the following composite definition for the circular economy, drawing on the work of different academics in the field. What are the circular possibilities for materials and products available in the Griffiersveld pilot and how can this information be presented? Interviews with stakeholders have led to a list of requirements for the material passports and what information they should include. Existing and experimental material passports have been collected and analysed to see whether they meet the requirements. The construction materials on site are identified and circular possibilities of these materials are listed. Finally an advice is given for the municipality of Apeldoorn for a circular renovation approach.
Woningcorporaties (woco’s) trachten een bijdrage te leveren aan een duurzaam gedreven, volledig circulaire economie in 2050. Daartoe voeren zij tools in zoals kennis over circulair bouwen of ketensamenwerking. Die verzameling tools wordt in dit onderzoek levenscyclusdenken genoemd. Het invoeren van levenscyclusdenken vraagt om een systemische verandering die complex is en transdisciplinair en praktische veranderingen op alle hiërarchische lagen binnen de woco. Daartoe is een dialoog nodig tussen die lagen, die momenteel ontbreekt. Dit leidt tot de onderzoeksvraag: Op welke wijze kan binnen de interne keten van woningcorporaties de dialoog worden gefaciliteerd over het structureel invoeren van levenscyclusdenken? Binnen het consortium van woningcorporaties (Wonion, Mitros), partners (HEMUBO, Van Wijk Vastgoedonderhoud) en experts (dr. ir. Ad Straub en Gijs van Mil) ontsluiten we een dialoog tussen projectleider, asset manager, directie en/of beleids- of strategiemedewerker en financiën over de gevolgen van levenscyclusdenken op de interne organisatie van woningcorporaties. Vervolgens wordt onderzocht of SNA als basis kan dienen voor een dialoogtool die in een groter onderzoek kan worden doorontwikkeld. De beoogde resultaten zijn: 1) Een leer- en bewustwordingsproces onder beroepsprofessionals uit verschillende hiërarchische lagen en afdelingen van woco’s door het openen van de dialoog over de betekenis van levenscyclusdenken in hun werkpraktijk; 2) Een visuele omschrijving (SNA) van de complexiteit van levenscyclusdenken bij woco’s; 3) Netwerkvorming en vraagarticulatie voor het opstarten van een groter project (bijv. RAAK-Publiek) waarin de bredere productieketen wordt meegenomen; 4) Een digitaal prototype (app) dat woco’s in staat stelt zelf een SNA te maken om de dialoog op gang te brengen. Naast doorwerking in onderzoek werkt het project direct door in de onderwijspraktijk van de HU-Master of Urban Area Development. De hierboven genoemde woningcorporaties zijn opdrachtgever voor masterstudenten. Het activiteitenplan is gekoppeld aan de looptijd van de cursus “Strategisch beheer”.
TOURBAN objective is to spearhead a transnational and cross-sectoral movement towards tourism sustainability in urban areas across Europe, leveraging SME capacities and skills to uptake best practices and develop innovative solutions that make them both more sustainable and competitive. It will do so by tackling current urban tourism challenges in an era of increasing tourism visitor pressure, acting in European cities such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Dubrovnik, Kiel, Budapest and Tallinn. To achieve the objective, TOURBAN will share knowledge on sustainability strategies and the advantages of adopting sustainable solutions and practices, including EU/internationally recognised certificates and labels (e.g. EU Eco Label, EMAS) and circular economy models. These will be based on case studies and stories from SMEs and other frontrunners in sustainability.The project will share this practical knowledge through highly interactive training workshops and peer-to-peer sessions. Another core element of the project is cross-sector knowledge exchange and collaboration. In addition, more intensive support services will be delivered so that the tourism SMEs can effectively adopt sustainability strategies and seek additional financing. In this, financial support will be provided on the basis of a selection process under a competitive Call for Proposals launched by the Sustainable Urban Tourism Acceleration Programme. In this action, TOURBAN will engage around 70 SMEs from 7 different countries (NL, ES, DK, HR, DE, HU and EE) in a 12-month programme. To drive successful outcomes, the partnership gathers expertise in a wide range of topics related to tourism sustainability and can draw on years of practical experience in incubation, acceleration and SME developmentPartners:Breda University of Applied Sciences (Breda - The Netherlands), Barcelona Chamber of Commerce (Barcelona - Spain), B. Link Barcelona Strategic Projects (Barcelona - Spain), The Institute for Tourism Research in Northern Europe (Kiel - Germany), Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tallinn - Estonia), City of Dubrovnik Development Agency (Dubrovnik - Croatia), Creative Business Network (Copenhagen - Denmark), VIMOSZ Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association (Budapest - Hungary).
In recent years there has been an increasing need for nature inclusive solutions in the construction sector. The practice asks for new solutions contributing to the development of sustainable, resilient and liveable cities. Under the guidance of the Dutch government, greening of the cities has become one of the aims of municipalities in the Netherlands and the focus of some emerging companies and design offices. In cities, quay masonry walls, thanks to their close contact with water, have the potential to be ecologically engineered to favour vegetation, thereby contributing to the renaturing of urban areas. By building a prototype of an innovative masonry building system, this project aims to investigate the potential for improving the integration between masonry quay walls and vegetation. The set-up consists of a dry-stacking system for brick masonry: strong polyamide elements interconnect the bricks, providing strength to the masonry without the need for mortar. The space in between bricks, traditionally filled with mortar, is to be filled with compost material, providing an ideal substrate for plant growth and a buffer for water storage (figure 1). In addition to improved integration between masonry walls and vegetation, the proposed dry-stacking system allows for easy reuse of bricks, thereby contributing to circularity and sustainability of the building industry. The project broadens and strengthens the national network in the field of urban ecology by bringing together expertise from the fields of architecture, ecology and the construction sector, from both academia and practice.