This article explores how the combination of research approaches in Research Through Design (RTD) can contribute to generating applicable urban design knowledge. The article is based on learnings from the ‘Really cooling water bodies in cities’ project, a pragmatist RTD combining post-positivist, constructivist and transformative/participatory approaches along six design iterations. The results indicate that the combination of research approaches in RTD can contribute to generating applicable urban design knowledge when the approaches are carefully chosen and combined as to provide feedback on each other, based on a coherent rationale driven by clear research questions and goals.
This article explores how the combination of research approaches in Research Through Design (RTD) can contribute to generating applicable urban design knowledge. The article is based on learnings from the ‘Really cooling water bodies in cities’ project, a pragmatist RTD combining post-positivist, constructivist and transformative/participatory approaches along six design iterations. The results indicate that the combination of research approaches in RTD can contribute to generating applicable urban design knowledge when the approaches are carefully chosen and combined as to provide feedback on each other, based on a coherent rationale driven by clear research questions and goals.
Veranderingen in de zorgsector volgen elkaar in rap tempo op. De zorgorganisatie Axion-Continu, gevestigd in de regio Utrecht, bouwt letterlijk en figuurlijk aan een nieuwe vorm van huisvesting. Bij de nieuwbouw en renovatie van woonzorgcentrum De Wartburg komen verschillende woonvormen samen. Een gesprek met Lex Roseboom, Raad van Bestuur en Huub Albreghs, Manager Facilitair Bedrijf en Bouw over woonzorg en welzijn anno 2012.