Ethnic minority GP trainees at risk for underperformance assessments
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In vitro–in silico-based prediction of inter-individual and inter-ethnic variations in the dose-dependent cardiotoxicity of R- and S-methadone in humans
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Towards culturally sensitive shared decision-making in oncology a study protocol integrating bioethical qualitative research on shared decision-making among ethnic minorities with ethical reflection
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Sarcopenia and its relation to protein intake across older ethnic populations in the Netherlands
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Dietary protein intake in older adults from ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, a mixed methods approach
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Ethnic Differences in Colon Cancer Care in the Netherlands
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Validation of the SQUASH physical activity questionnaire in a multi-ethnic population: the HELIUS study
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Multicultural attitudes mediate the relation between personality and perceived ethnic outgroup distance in the Netherlands
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Developing ethnic talent in the Dutch national tax administration