Investigating the emergence of customer orientation by analyzing a co-creation servitization project between a Dutch supplier and a German customer.
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Cross-Border Business Development in the Dutch-German Borderland
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Nulmeting Regio Deal Parkstad Limburg
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The Influence of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity on Interregional Business Collaboration
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European cycle tourism : tool for sustainable regional rural development
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HELP! De stroom valt uit
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Migration and Integration in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia and in the Netherlands, South Limburg
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Demografische data Zuid-Limburg vergeleken met Limburg, Euregio Maas-Rijn en Nederland
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Sociale en multiculturele integratie in de Euregio Maas-Rijn
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CHESSS - Connecting HAN with Europe on Smart, Sustainable & Social
Zuyd richting Europa