Combining Performance-Based and Self-Reported Measures of Executive Functions: Are Both Meaningful in Predicting Study Success in Higher Education Students?
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Board talk: How members of executive hospital boards influence the positioning of nursing in crisis through talk
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The combined value of executive functions and self-regulated learning to predict differences in study success among higher education students
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The combined value of executive functions and self-regulated learning to predict differences in study success among higher education students
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Validating Rating Scales for Executive Functioning across Education Levels and Informants
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Organizational change management in higher education through the lens of executive coaches
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Helping parents enhance vocabulary development in preschool children
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Children's executive and social functioning and family context as predictors of preschool vocabulary
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Progress in Reading and Spelling of Dyslexic Children is Not Affected by Executive Functioning
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Beeldende therapie voor kinderen met autisme in primair (speciaal) onderwijs, ter preventie van risicogedrag.
Een pilotstudie voor het implementeren van het programma ‘Zelf in beeld’