This chapter explores qualitative career assessment as an identity learning process where meaning-oriented learning is essential and distinguished from conditioned or semantic types of learning. In order to construct a career identity in the form of a future-oriented narrative, it is essential that learners are helped through cognitive learning stages with the help of a dialogue about concrete experiences which aims to pay attention to emotions and broadens and deepens what is expressed.
We developed and piloted a course, called Changemakers, that supported interdisciplinary student-led action groups to identify social and environmental sustainability challenges and influence systemic change. By exposing students to dynamic and complex issues from multiple stakeholder perspectives, Changemakers aimed to empower students to find and use their voice and agency to make a difference in society. Students need knowledge and skills to navigate societal challenges, address SDGs and build confidence and creativity to change the status quo (Lozano, 2017; Raelin, 2009). Changemakers provided a playful and safe learning environment to explore societal challenges, form inclusive and sensitive judgments, and enact interventions for change. Students developed self-efficacy (Bandura, 2001) that were encouraged to be autonomous and self-directed in their learning (Morris, 2019). Through learning-by-doing, students gained a set of leadership and change management skills that can be applied to a variety of professional settings in local and global contexts.
Educational programs teaching entrepreneurial behaviour and knowledge are crucial to a vital and healthy economy. The concept of building a Communities of Practice (CoP) could be very promising. CoP’s are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavour (Wenger, McDermott and Snyder, 2002). They consist of a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. Normally CoP’s are rather homogeneous. Saxion institute Small Business & Retail Management (SB&RM) started a CoP with entrepreneurs September 2007. Typical in the this community, are the differences between the partners. The Community consists of students, entrepreneurs and members of an institution for higher education. They have different characteristics and they don’t share the same knowledge. Thus, building long-lasting relations can be complicated. Solid relations for longer periods are nevertheless inevitable in using CoP as a mean in an educational concept that takes approximately 4 years. After one year an evaluation took place on the main aspects of a lasting partnership. The central problem SB&RM in Deventer faces is to design the CoP in a way possible members will join and stay for a longer period and in a way it ensures entrepreneurial learning. This means important design characteristics have to be identified, and the CoP in Deventer has to be evaluated to assess whether it meets those design characteristics in an effective and efficient way. The main target of the evaluation is to determine which key factors are important to make sure continuity in partnership is assured and entrepreneurial learning is best supported. To solve the problem, an investigation on how a CoP works, what group dynamics take place, and how this can be measured has to be conducted. Furthermoreusing the CoP as a tool for entrepreneurship means key aspects of entrepreneurial learning have to be identified. After that the CoP in Deventer has to be examined on both aspects. According to literature CoP’s define themselves along three dimensions: domain (indicating what is it about), community (defining how it functions), and practice (indicating what capabilities it has produced) (Wenger, 1998). This leads to meaningful, shared and coordinated activities (Akkerman et al, 2007): Key aspects of a successful CoP lie in both hard and soft sides of creating a partnership. It means on one hand a CoP has to deal with defining their own overall vision, formulating long term goals and targets on the short term. They have to formulate how to achieve those targets and create meaningful activities (reification). On the other hand a CoP has to deal with relations, trust, norms and values (participation). Reification and participation as design characteristic can provide indicators on which the CoP in Deventer can be evaluated. A lasting partnership means joining the CoP and staying. Weick provides us with a suitable model that enables us to do research and evaluate whether the CoP in Deventer is successful or not, Weick’s model of means convergence. To effectively ensure entrepreneurial learning the process in the CoP has to provide or enable actionoriented forms through Project-based activity, accompanied by reflection, with high emotional exposure (or cognitive affection) preferably caused by discontinuities to be suitable as a tool in entrepreneurial learning. Furthermore it should be accompanied by the right preconditions to work effectively and efficiently. The evaluation of the present CoP in Deventer is done by interviewing all participants at the end of the first year of the partnership. In a structured interview, based on literature studies, all participants were separately questioned
Ervaringskennis zijn persoonlijke ervaringen die gebruikt kunnen worden als kennisbron voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en beroepsontwikkeling. In het bijzonder gaat het om ervaringen die de kwaliteit van leven beïnvloeden. Denk daarbij aan trauma, ziekte, beperkingen of armoede. Dit project gaat over ervaringskennis in mensgerichte beroepen zoals sociaal werk en verpleegkunde.Evenementen Maandag 22 mei 2023 Conferentie Experiential Knowledge in the Spotlight Vilnius, Litouwen Dinsdag 23 mei 2023 Seminar Working with Experiences in Higher Education Vilnius, Litouwen Meld je aan Nieuwsbrieven Doel Met 12 onderwijsinstellingen in 9 verschillende landen en hun lokale partners gaan we op verschillende manieren werken aan integratie van ervaringskennis in het onderwijs van sociaal werk en verpleegkunde-opleidingen. Relevantie Het project levert bouwstenen om ervaringskennis goed te integreren in gepersonaliseerd en inclusief onderwijs. Resultaten Een overzicht van de belangrijkste principes en aanbevelingen voor hoe ervaringskennis en ervaringsleren in het curriculum ingebouwd kunnen worden. Digitale gids met didactische en pedagogische methoden Training- en coaching toolkits voor docenten en ervaringsdeskundigen Website die dient als digitaal open access platform met literatuurbronnen, e-learning programma's en toolkits. Looptijd 01 december 2021 - 30 november 2024 Aanpak We creëren een structuur voor samenwerking met alle partners We delen en ontwikkelen kennis We bouwen aan een duurzaam netwerk dat kan worden voortgezet nadat het project is afgelopen Downloads en Links
Cijfers, databestanden en statistieken zijn tegenwoordig onderdeel van de dagelijkse routine op journalistieke redacties. Het is van belang dat journalisten goede cijfermatige analyses kunnen maken, maar onderzoek in datajournalistiek onderwijs toont aan de studenten angsten hebben voor cijfers. In dit project wat we samen met de opleiding journalistiek doen, onderzoeken we hoe in het onderwijs cijferangst kunnen wegnemen en het werken met cijfers in journalistieke producties kunnen stimuleren. In dit project onderzoeken we samen met de opleiding journalistiek, hoe in het onderwijs cijferangst kunnen wegnemen en het werken met cijfers in journalistieke producties kunnen stimuleren. Doel Doel van dit onderzoek is om een toolbox te ontwikkelen met onderwijsmethoden, werkvormen en tools die binnen opleidingen journalistiek door docenten ingezet kan worden om studenten te ondersteunen bij het maken van datarijke verhalen. Resultaten Het project heeft geleidt tot een veel beter uitgewerkte leerlijn data met een goed gevulde toolbox voor studenten én docenten binnen de opleiding journalistiek. Daarnaast zijn de volgende artikelen gepubliceerd over het onderzoek: Visualisaties en een journalistieke context maken werken met cijfers aantrekkelijk Zoektocht: hoe krijg je studenten cijfernieuwsgierig? Nieuwe journalistieke onderwijsmodule om data angst weg te nemen Succesfactoren voor onderwijs in datajournalistiek Looptijd 01 mei 2020 - 31 oktober 2020 Aanpak Dit doen we door experiential learning toe te passen in medialabs. Het lectoraat doet onderzoek naar deze medialabs om interventie-advies te geven voor de volgende medialabs. Iedere keer worden er interventies toegepast om na te gaan wat werkt voor docent en student.