Objectives: The primary objective was to determine the responsiveness of the Dutch version of the 13-item Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for cardiac patients (TSK-NL Heart). The secondary objective was to assess changes in kinesiophobia during cardiac rehabilitation.Methods: Kinesiophobia was measured pre- and post-cardiac rehabilitation using the TSK-NL Heart questionnaire in 109 cardiac patients (61 years; 76% men). The effect size of kinesiophobia score changes was calculated for the full population. A measure that is responsive to change should produce higher effects sizes in patients in whom kinesiophobia improves. Therefore, effect sizes were also calculated for patients who did or did not improve on selected external measures. For this step, the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were completed as external measures in a subsample of 58 patients.Results: The effect size of the TSK-NL Heart for the full study population was small (0.29). In line with the study hypothesis the effect size was higher (moderate) for patients with improved CAQ (0.52) and HADS scores (0.54). Prevalence of high kinesiophobia levels decreased from 40% pre-cardiac rehabilitation to 26% post-cardiac rehabilitation (p = 0.004).Conclusion: The TSK-NL Heart has moderate responsiveness and can be used to measure changes in kinesiophobia. Improvements in kinesiophobia were observed during cardiac rehabilitation. Nevertheless, high levels of kinesiophobia were still highly prevalent post-cardiac rehabilitation.
Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. Background An important factor related to low physical activity in cardiac patients is fear of movement (kinesiophobia). The setting of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) seems suitable for targeting kinesiophobia. Nevertheless, the impact of CR on kinesiophobia is currently unknown, partly due to the absence of information on the responsiveness of instruments to measure kinesiophobia. Purpose To determine the responsiveness of the Dutch version of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia questionnaire (TSK-NL Heart), to asses changes in kinesiophobia during participation in CR and to assess predictors of high levels of kinesiophobia at completion of CR. Methods This study was performed among 109 patients (mean age: 61 years; 76% men) who participated in a 6- till 12-week CR program. Kinesiophobia was measured using the TSK-NL Heart questionnaire. To determine the responsiveness of the TSK-NL Heart, the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ) and the general anxiety scale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-A) were used as external measures. All questionnaires were completed pre- and post-CR. Internal responsiveness was estimated by calculating the effect size (ES) and standardized response mean (SRM). External responsiveness was determined by calculating the correlation between change scores on the TSK-NL heart and on the external measures. Furthermore, univariate logistic regression analysis was performed with the dichotomized TSK-NL Heart score post-CR as dependent variable (high vs low scores) and baseline characteristics (age, sex, reason for referral and pre-CR scores on the TSK-NL Heart, CAQ and HADS) as predictor variables. Results Prevalence of a high levels of kinesiophobia improved from 40.4% pre-CR to 25.7% at completion of CR (p = 0.05). Both the ES and the SRM of the TSK change score were moderate for patients with an improved CAQ and HADS-A score (respectively ES = 0.52; SRM = 0.57 and ES = 0.54; SRM = 0.60) and small for patients with a stable score (ES = 0; SRM = 0 and ES = 0.26; SRM = 0.36). There was a moderate correlation between the TSK-NL Heart change score and the CAQ (Rs = 0.30, p = 0.023) and a small correlation between the TSK-NL Heart change score and the HADS-A (Rs =0.21, p = 0.107). The odds of having high kinesiophobia levels post-CR were increased by having a high level of kinesiophobia pre-CR (OR= 9.83, 95%CI: 3.52-27.46), a higher baseline score on the CAQ (OR = 1.12, 95%CI: 1.06-1.19), and a higher baseline score on the HADS-A (OR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.11-1.42). Conclusion The TSK-NL Heart has moderate responsiveness. In addition, this study shows that there are reductions in kinesiophobia during the course of CR. Nevertheless, a large number of patients (26%) still had high levels of kinesiophobia at completion of CR. Interventions targeting kinesiophobia should focus on patients that enter CR with high levels of kinesiophobia, cardiac anxiety and generic anxiety.
Music performance anxiety (MPA) is one of the most reported psychological problems among musicians, posing a significant threat to the optimal performance, health, and psychological wellbeing of musicians. Most research on MPA treatment has focused on reducing symptoms of performance anxiety, but complete “cures” are uncommon. A promising addition or alternative that may help musicians enhance their performance under pressure, despite their anxiety, is pressure training (PT). In other high-pressure domains, such as sports and police work, pressure training has been proven effective in reducing choking and enhancing performance quality under pressure. Therefore, the aim of this narrative review is to explore the potential of pressure training in music settings. Specifically, we first provide a theoretical overview of current models explaining performance declines due to anxiety. Second, we discuss the current state of research on the effectiveness and application of pressure training in sports and police work as well as recent developments in pressure training interventions for music settings. While there is a limited number of studies investigating the effectiveness of pressure training on musicians' performance quality, research focusing on musicians' experiences has shown that pressure training can be particularly beneficial for enhancing performance skills, preparing for performances, and managing performance anxiety. Based on the reviewed literature, the final section points out suggestions for future research as well as recommendations for musicians, teachers, and music institutions for practical applications.
Developing and testing several AR and VR concepts for SAMSUNG (Benelux) Samsung and Breda University of Applied Sciences decided to work together on developing and testing several new digital media concepts with a focus on VR and gaming. This collaboration has led to several innovative projects and concepts, among others: the organisation of the first Samsung VR jam in which game and media students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR in 24 hours, the pre-development of a VR therapy concept (Fear of Love) created by CaptainVR, the Samsung Industry Case in which students developed new concepts for SAMSUNG GEAR (wearables), the IGAD VR game pitch where over 15 VR game concepts were created for SAMSUNG VR GEAR and numerous projects in which VR concepts are developed and created using new SAMSUNG technologies. Currently we are co-developing new digital HRM solutions.
This PD project aims to gather new knowledge through artistic and participatory design research within neighbourhoods for possible ways of addressing and understanding the avoidance and numbness caused by feelings of vulnerability, discomfort and pain associated with eco-anxiety and chronic fear of environmental doom. The project will include artistic production and suitable forms of fieldwork. The objectives of the PD are to find answers to the practice problem of society which call for art that sensitises, makes aware and helps initiate behavioural change around the consequences of climate change. Rather than visualize future sea levels directly, it will seek to engage with climate change in a metaphorical and poetic way. Neither a doom nor an overly techno-optimistic scenario seem useful to understand the complexity of flood risk management or the dangers of flooding. By challenging both perspectives with artistic means, this research hopes to counter eco-anxiety and create a sense of open thought and susceptibility to new ideas, feelings and chains of thought. Animation and humour, are possible ingredients. The objective is to find and create multiple Dutch water stories, not just one. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop new methods for selecting and repurposing existing impactful stories and strong images. Citizens and students will be included to do so via fieldwork. In addition, archival materials will be used. Archives serve as a repository for memory recollection and reuse, selecting material from the audiovisual archive of the Institute of Sound & Vision will be a crucial part of the creative work which will include two films and accompanying music.
Waarom ontstaat antisociaal of crimineel gedrag? Allerlei sociale, psychologische én neurobiologische factoren blijken hierbij van belang. Neurobiologische kennis is in de praktijk vaak afwezig. Professionals in het zorg- of veiligheidsdomein zouden gebaat zijn bij een toegankelijke onderwijsmodule. Brainstorm biedt kennisclips met basiskennis over het ontstaan van antisociaal en crimineel gedrag, met extra aandacht voor neurobiologische factoren.Wat? De Brainstormmodule behandelt negen thema’s: drie basisthema’s over ontwikkelingscriminologie en zes neurobiologische thema’s. Binnen elk thema wordt in een kennisclip kort basiskennis samengevat. Links naar de kennisclips zijn hieronder te vinden. Met bijbehorende opdrachten (zie docentenhandleiding) kan deze kennis verder worden verdiept. Uitgangspunt van de module is het biopsychosociale perspectief: het wetenschappelijk model waarbij neurobiologische, psychologische en sociale factoren op elkaar inwerken. De kennisclips: 1. Wat is crimineel en antisociaal gedrag? 2. Psychische stoornissen en antisociaal gedrag 3. Hoe wordt iemand crimineel? 4. Ontwikkelingspaden van crimineel gedrag 5. Biopsychosociaal model 6. Hersenen en antisociaal gedrag 7. Puberbrein en antisociaal gedrag 8. Neuropsychologie en antisociaal gedrag 9. Fearlessness & sensation seeking 10. Hufters of helden 11. Genetica en antisociaal gedrag Voor wie? De Brainstormmodule is ontwikkeld voor professionals die zich bezighouden met antisociaal of crimineel gedrag in welke vorm dan ook (beleid, toezicht, interventie en preventie etc.). De module kan zowel bij hbo-bacheloropleidingen en post-initiële (master)opleidingen als voor professionals in-company, gebruikt worden. Ontwikkeling Brainstorm Brainstorm is ontwikkeld door dr. Evelien Platje en dr. Andrea Donker van het lectoraat Kennisanalyse Sociale Veiligheid en dr. Lucres Nauta-Jansen van het AmsterdamUMC. Zij hebben veel onderzoek- en onderwijservaring op het gebied van neurobiologie van antisociaal en crimineel gedrag. Brainstorm is het eindproduct van het ZonMW-project ‘Onbekend maakt Onbemind. Leren werken met neuropsychobiologische kennis van en met jongeren met antisociaal gedrag’, een samenwerkingsproject met het lectoraat Jeugd van de Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim. De kennisclips zijn vormgegeven door Bureau Nauta. Voor de ontwikkeling van de kennisclips zijn er feedbackmomenten geweest met zowel studenten als docenten van de opleidingen Social Work, Integrale Veiligheidskunde en Sociaal Juridische Dienstverlening van Hogeschool Utrecht.