Biopsychosocial complexity in patients scheduled for elective TKA surgery
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Impact of kinesiophobia on initiation of cardiac rehabilitation
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Increasing Older Adult Involvement in Geriatric Assessment: A Mixed-Methods Process Evaluation
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Assessment of biopsychosocial complexity and health care needs
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Implementatie van een proactief zorgprogramma voor kwetsbare ouderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: van onderzoek naar praktijk
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Effectiveness of a Proactive Primary Care Program on Preserving Daily Functioning of Older People: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
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Student perceptions of assessment and student self-efficacy in competence-based education
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Proactive and integrated primary care for frail older people
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Identification of older hospitalised patients at risk for functional decline, a study to compare the predictive values of three screening instruments
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