The purpose of the paper is to describe the ways in which people use language to achieve mobilization. Recognizing and anticipating the discursive practices that are used online, for instance for mobilization, increasingly is a primary concern for professionals in crisis communication or issue management. Het doel van dit artikel is het beschrijven van de manieren waarop mensen taal gebruiken om mobilisatie mogelijk te maken. Het herkennen van en anticiperen op discursieve praktijken die online plaatsvinden, bijv. mobilisatie, is in toenemende mate een zorg voor professionals in crisiscommunicatie of issuemanagement "Abstract Purpose Existing solutions facilitating mobility among older adults mainly focus on supporting physical disabilities. However, solutions are more likely to succeed when current activities and capabilities serve as a starting point. Participatory design is a suitable approach to detect these. We investigated (i) how participatory design techniques can be applied to obtain insight into the daily activities and capabilities of older adults, and (ii) what the design implications are of taking these activities and capabilities as a basis for the development of a mobility-enhancing application. Method Research context was a three-year European project comprising health care managers, researchers, and designers from Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Older adults were involved in each of the four-step iterative design process (participatory design sessions, scenarios, user requirements, and user evaluation). Results & Discussion (i) Reflection on the design process showed that particular issues should be considered in selecting participatory design tools (e.g., diaries and photo assignments are more suited than interviews) and organizing joint sessions (e.g., reserve more time for informal activities, address privacy concerns, and provide opportunity to ventilate doubts towards technology). The participatory design methods appeared suited to provide input for the application’s functionalities based on activities and capabilities. (ii) A mobility-enhancing mobile application for older adults should apply (a) Demographics: validated user profiles as a basis, but enable personalization; (b) Cognitive and physical abilities: Facilitate activities close to the home of the older adults; (c) Safety perception: Support older adults cognitively during their activities outdoor, but also prior to and afterwards and foster social contact. Future work The results of the current study have been used as input for prototype development, which has been tested in a pilot study in Spain and The Netherlands."
BACKGROUND: Mobility is a key determinant and outcome of healthy ageing but its definition, conceptual framework and underlying constructs within the physical domain may need clarification for data comparison and sharing in ageing research. This study aimed to (1) review definitions and conceptual frameworks of mobility, (2) explore agreement on the definition of mobility, conceptual frameworks, constructs and measures of mobility, and (3) define, classify and identify constructs.METHODS: A three-step approach was adopted: a literature review and two rounds of expert questionnaires (n = 64, n = 31, respectively). Agreement on statements was assessed using a five-point Likert scale; the answer options 'strongly agree' or 'agree' were combined. The percentage of respondents was subsequently used to classify agreements for each statement as: strong (≥ 80%), moderate (≥ 70% and < 80%) and low (< 70%).RESULTS: A variety of definitions of mobility, conceptual frameworks and constructs were found in the literature and among respondents. Strong agreement was found on defining mobility as the ability to move, including the use of assistive devices. Multiple constructs and measures were identified, but low agreements and variability were found on definitions, classifications and identification of constructs. Strong agreements were found on defining physical capacity (what a person is maximally capable of, 'can do') and performance (what a person actually does in their daily life, 'do') as key constructs of mobility.CONCLUSION: Agreements on definitions of mobility, physical capacity and performance were found, but constructs of mobility need to be further identified, defined and classified appropriately. Clear terminology and definitions are essential to facilitate communication and interpretation in operationalising the physical domain of mobility as a prerequisite for standardisation of mobility measures.