At the beginning of the twenty first century obesity entered Dutch maternity care as a ‘new illness’ challenging maternity care professionals in providing optimal care for women with higher BMI’s. International research revealed that obese women had more perinatal problems than normal weight women. However, the effect of higher BMIs on perinatal outcomes had never been studied in women eligible for midwife-led primary care at the outset of their pregnancy. In the context of the Dutch maternity care system, it was not clear if obesity should be treated as a high-risk situation always requiring obstetrician-led care or as a condition that may lead to problems that could be detected in a timely manner in midwife-led care using the usual risk assessment tools. With the increased attention on obesity in maternity care there was also increased interest in GWG. Regarding GWG in the Netherlands, the effect of insufficient or excessive GWG on perinatal outcomes had never been studied and there were no validated guidelines for GWG. A midwife’s care for the individual woman in the context of the Dutch maternity care system - characterised by ‘midwife-led care if possible, obstetrician-led care if needed’ - is hampered by the lack of national multidisciplinary consensus regarding obesity and weight gain. Obesity has not yet been included in the OIL and local protocols contain varying recommendations. To enable sound clinical decisions and to offer optimal individual care for pregnant women in the Netherlands more insights in weight and weight gain in relation to perinatal outcomes are required. With this thesis the author intends to contribute to the body of knowledge on weight and weight gain to enhance optimal midwife-led primary care for the individual woman and to guide midwives’ clinical decision-making.
This thesis focuses on topics such as preterm birth, variation in gross motor development, factors that influence (premature) infant gross motor development, and parental beliefs and practices. By gaining insight into these topics, this thesis aims to contribute to clinical decision-making of paediatric physiotherapists together with parents, and with that shape early intervention.
Aim The aim of this study is to gain more insight into child and environmental factors that influence gross motor development (GMD) of healthy infants from birth until reaching the milestone of independent walking, based on longitudinal research. Background A systematic search was conducted using Scopus, PsycINFO, MEDLINE and CINAHL to identify studies from inception to February 2020. Studies that investigated the association between child or environmental factors and infant GMD using longitudinal measurements of infant GMD were eligible. Two independent reviewers extracted key information and assessed risk of bias of the selected studies, using the Quality in Prognostic Studies tool (QUIPS). Strength of evidence (strong, moderate, limited, conflicting and no evidence) for the factors identified was described according to a previously established classification. Results In 36 studies, six children and 11 environmental factors were identified. Five studies were categorized as having low risk of bias. Strong evidence was found for the association between birthweight and GMD in healthy full-term and preterm infants. Moderate evidence was found for associations between gestational age and GMD, and sleeping position and GMD. There was conflicting evidence for associations between twinning and GMD, and breastfeeding and GMD. No evidence was found for an association between maternal postpartum depression and GMD. Evidence for the association of other factors with GMD was classified as ‘limited’ because each of these factors was examined in only one longitudinal study. Conclusion Infant GMD appears associated with two child factors (birthweight and gestational age) and one environmental factor (sleeping position). For the other factors identified in this review, insufficient evidence for an association with GMD was found. For those factors that were examined in only one longitudinal study, and are therefore classified as having limited evidence, more research would be needed to reach a conclusion.
Het aantal alarmen dat afgaat op een Neonatale Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is hoog omdat de vitale fysiologische parameters van de neonaten als vanzelfsprekend continu gemonitord worden door medische apparatuur. Dit leidt tot een enorme alarmdruk bij NICU-verpleegkundigen, want elk alarm moet beoordeeld worden. Echter, slechts 20% van de klinische alarmen is relevant, wat niet alleen leidt tot inefficiënte werkprocessen, maar ook tot alarmmoeheid en daarmee bedreiging van patiëntveiligheid. Literatuur- en praktijkonderzoek door studenten HBO-ICT en onderzoekers van het lectoraat ICT-innovaties in de Zorg (Hogeschool Windesheim) op de NICU van Isala ziekenhuis in Zwolle laat zien dat er winst lijkt te behalen in het slim combineren van alarmen en het aanpassen van grenswaarden. Hier kan uiteraard niet zomaar mee geëxperimenteerd worden in de werkelijke klinische setting. Isala heeft daarom behoefte aan een testomgeving waarin de impact van alarmaanpassingen op alarmreductie gemeten kan worden zonder dat patiëntveiligheid daarmee in gevaar komt. Een digital twin kan hier een oplossing bieden. Dit is een replica van de fysieke, dynamische NICU-setting waarin data van patiënten, apparaten en hun onderlinge interacties gesimuleerd kunnen worden en artificial intelligence voorspellingen kan doen over de impact van veranderingen. In de gezondheidszorg wordt de potentie van digital twins de laatste twee jaar gezien en het aantal publicaties en best practices neemt toe, maar toepassingen op de intensive care-setting zijn nog dun gezaaid. Dit project, waarvoor Windesheim, Isala en data science agency Little Rocket de krachten bundelen, levert hier een bijdrage aan