A Magnet-related program has been recently adopted in the Netherlands. Support for staff nurses from nurse middle managers (NMMs) is a key component of such a program. A Bourdieusian ethnographic organizational case study in 4 hospitals in the Netherlands and the United States (Magnet, Magnet-related, and non-Magnet) was conducted to explore NMMs' supporting role behavior. Bourdieus concepts of habitus, field, and capital guided the analysis. Eight dispositions constitute NMMs habitus. A caring, clinical, and scientific disposition enhances NMMs' capital in particular organizations-as-fields. Further research is necessary to link Magnet (-related) program characteristics to various configurations of dispositions of NMMs habitus.
Aim. Although cultural dimensions theory is a topical strand of quantitative cultural research, few intercultural simulation games use it. We present the design and review of the application of OASISTAN, an intercultural role-playing simulation game that is specifically based on cultural dimensions theory. Method. OASISTAN was first designed in 1999 for use in Master’s courses on cross-cultural management at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, attracting 20-23 year old students with a Bachelor degree in engineering and from various cultural backgrounds. Since its first design the game has been played approximately 45 times at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and three times at Harbin Institute of Technology in China in the years 2006-2008. We reviewed their experiences designing and facilitating OASISTAN since 1999. Results. The game has a no-tech role-play design and revolves around the geopolitically complex region of the Caspian Sea, specifically the fictional country of ‘Oasistan’. The game consists of students forming small teams of Oasistani, Western and non-Western public/private actors collaborating with each other to try and reach the common goal of oil exploration and production in this country. In total 15-30 students were involved. We found that OASISTAN allowed its players not only to intensely experience the difficulty and awkwardness of being confronted with cultural differences, but also to interpret and understand these differences through cultural dimensions. Students who played OASISTAN identified ten out of the 12 dimensions by Maleki and De Jong. The two dimensions that students were not able to identify are uncertainty avoidance and collaborativeness. Conclusion. OASISTAN shows how a game design field (i.e., intercultural simulation gaming) can be reinvigorated in light of new or updated scientific theories pertaining to the field’s subject matter (i.e., cultural dimensions). Several opportunities for future research are identified.
Prehabilitation trajectories contribute to improving lifestyle choices and influencing risk factors to reduce postoperative complications, the overall hospital stay and lower health care costs. This paper gives an overview of the best current evidence on the role, scope, added value and expertise of nurses during the prehabilitation trajectory of patients with GI cancer, consisting of relevant nursing diagnosis, interventions and outcomes within four specific domains. The methods used are literature searches that were performed between June 2022 and January 2023, with a final search on January 25th. The search strategy included four steps, following the Joanna Briggs Institute Manual. Two researchers contributed to the study selection process. The results were categorized according to the domains of multimodal prehabilitation. The Handbook of Carpenito was used to link the results to nursing diagnoses, interventions and nurse sensitive outcomes.