Background: There is an increase in the number of frail elderly patients presenting to the emergency department. Diagnosis and treatment for this patient group is challenging due to multimorbidity, a-typical presentation and polypharmacy and requires specialised knowledge and competencies from healthcare professionals. We aim to explore the needs and preferences regarding emergency care in frail older patients based on their experiences with received care during Emergency Department admission. Method: A qualitative study design was used, and semi-structured interviews were conducted after discharge with twelve frail older patients admitted to emergency departments in the Netherlands. Data collection and analysis were performed iteratively, and data were thematically analysed. Results: The analysis enfolded the following themes; feeling disrupted, expecting to be cared for, suppressing their needs and wanting to be seen. These themes indicated a need for situational awareness by healthcare professionals when taking care of the participants and were influenced by the participants' life experiences. Conclusion: Frail older patients feel disrupted when admitted to the emergency department. Because of this, they expect to be cared for, lessen their own needs and want to be seen as human beings. The impact of the admission is influenced by the extent to which healthcare professionals show situational awareness.
In clinical practice, identifying positive and negative attitudes toward older patients is very important to improve quality of care provided to them. The Older People in Acute Care Survey – United States (OPACS-US) is an instrument measuring hospital nurses attitudes regarding older patients. However, psychometrics have never been assessed. Furthermore, knowledge being related to attitude and behavior should also be measured complementing the OPACS-US. The purpose of this study was to assess structural validity and reliability of the OPACS-US and assess whether the OPACS-US can be complemented with the Knowledge about Older Patients-Quiz (KOP-Q). A multicenter cross sectional design was conducted. Registered nurses (n = 130, mean age 39,9 years; working experience 14,6 years) working in four general hospitals were included in the study. Nurses completed the OPACS-US section A: practice experiences, B: general opinion and the KOP-Q online. Findings demonstrated that the OPACS-US is a valid and reliable survey instrument that measures practice experiences and general opinion. Furthermore, the OPACS-US can be combined with the KOP-Q adding a knowledge construct, and is ready for use within education and/or quality improvement programs in the USA.
Background: A transitional care pathway (TCP) could improve care for older patients in the last months of life. However, barriers exist such as unidentified palliative care needs and suboptimal collaboration between care settings. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of a TCP, named PalliSupport, for older patients at the end of life, prior to a stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial. Methods: A mixed-method feasibility study was conducted at one hospital with affiliated primary care. Patients were ≥ 60 years and acutely hospitalized. The intervention consisted of (1) training on early identification of the palliative phase and end of life conversations, (2) involvement of a transitional palliative care team during admission and post-discharge and (3) intensified collaboration between care settings. Outcomes were feasibility of recruitment, data collection, patient burden and protocol adherence. Experiences of 14 professionals were assessed through qualitative interviews. Results: Only 16% of anticipated participants were included which resulted in difficulty assessing other feasibility criteria. The qualitative analysis identified misunderstandings about palliative care, uncertainty about professionals' roles and difficulties in initiating end of life conversations as barriers. The training program was well received and professionals found the intensified collaboration beneficial for patient care. The patients that participated experienced low burden and data collection on primary outcomes and protocol adherence seems feasible. Discussion: This study highlights the importance of performing a feasibility study prior to embarking on effectiveness studies. Moving forward, the PalliSupport care pathway will be adjusted to incorporate a more active recruitment approach, additional training on identification and palliative care, and further improvement on data collection.
Chronische pijn is een groot, complex en duur probleem en heeft een grote impact op de kwaliteit van leven van patiënten, dagelijks functioneren, stemming en ziekteverzuim. Er zijn verschillende interventies ontwikkeld die met name gericht zijn op het beïnvloeden en veranderen van het gedrag waarbij zelfmanagement een belangrijke rol speelt. Echter het bestendigen van resultaten op lange termijn blijkt een groot probleem en leidt zelfs tot terugval naar “oud” gedrag waardoor patiënten opnieuw vaak kostbare hulp gaan zoeken. Er zijn twee additionele interventies ontwikkeld in een eerder RAAK-project (SOLACE) ter voorkoming van deze terugval: “Do It Your Self” en “Waarde gerichte Doelen” , echter de werkzaamheid van deze interventies op de lange termijn is niet onderzocht. Een eerste feasibility studie lijkt veelbelovend met positieve effecten naar de bruikbaarheid van deze interventies in de betrokken revalidatiecentra. Vanuit dit werkveld maar ook vanuit de patiënten kwam nadrukkelijk de vraag om deze interventies op effectiviteit te toetsen. Dit heeft geleid tot de onderzoeksvraag; “Is een additionele interventie (do it yourself en/of waarde gerichte doelen) gericht op het blijven toepassen van aangeleerde vaardigheden na een succesvol doorlopen pijn programma effectief in het bestendigen van de resultaten op de lange termijn en leidt dit tot een afname van het zorggebruik.” Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in twee werkpakketten; (1) het ontwikkelen van een bruikbare app voor de ontwikkelde interventies in samenwerking met DIO Design en (2) een effectiviteit studie in de revalidatiecentra Adelante in Hoensbroek en Maastricht, Libra R&A locatie Weert en Heliomare Revalidatie in Wijk aan Zee. De doelstelling van het consortium is om de samen met zorgprofessionals, patiënten, beroepsvereniging en ontwerpers een product ter voorkoming van terugval verder te ontwikkelen en te toetsen. Na afronding van dit project zijn de op effectiviteit getoetste additionele interventies, DIY en WD, klaar om landelijk te worden uitgerold.
Physical rehabilitation programs revolve around the repetitive execution of exercises since it has been proven to lead to better rehabilitation results. Although beginning the motor (re)learning process early is paramount to obtain good recovery outcomes, patients do not normally see/experience any short-term improvement, which has a toll on their motivation. Therefore, patients find it difficult to stay engaged in seemingly mundane exercises, not only in terms of adhering to the rehabilitation program, but also in terms of proper execution of the movements. One way in which this motivation problem has been tackled is to employ games in the rehabilitation process. These games are designed to reward patients for performing the exercises correctly or regularly. The rewards can take many forms, for instance providing an experience that is engaging (fun), one that is aesthetically pleasing (appealing visual and aural feedback), or one that employs gamification elements such as points, badges, or achievements. However, even though some of these serious game systems are designed together with physiotherapists and with the patients’ needs in mind, many of them end up not being used consistently during physical rehabilitation past the first few sessions (i.e. novelty effect). Thus, in this project, we aim to 1) Identify, by means of literature reviews, focus groups, and interviews with the involved stakeholders, why this is happening, 2) Develop a set of guidelines for the successful deployment of serious games for rehabilitation, and 3) Develop an initial implementation process and ideas for potential serious games. In a follow-up application, we intend to build on this knowledge and apply it in the design of a (set of) serious game for rehabilitation to be deployed at one of the partners centers and conduct a longitudinal evaluation to measure the success of the application of the deployment guidelines.
For English see below In dit project werkt het Lectoraat ICT-innovaties in de Zorg van hogeschool Windesheim samen met zorganisaties de ZorgZaak, De Stouwe, en IJsselheem en daarnaast Zorgcampus Noorderboog, Zorgtrainingscentrum Regio Zwolle, Patiëntenfederatie NPCF, VitaalThuis, ActiZ, Vilans, V&VN, Universiteit Twente en het Lectoraat Innoveren in de Ouderenzorg van Windesheim aan het in staat stellen van wijkverpleegkundigen om autonoom en doelmatig, op basis van klinisch redeneren, eHealth te indiceren en in te zetten bij cliënten. De aanleiding voor dit project wordt gevormd door de wijzigingen per 1 januari 2015 in de Zorgverzekeringswet. Wijkverpleegkundigen zijn sindsdien zelf verantwoordelijk voor de indicatiestelling en zorgtoewijzing voor verzorging en verpleging thuis: zij moeten bepalen welke zorg hun cliënten nodig hebben gezien hun individuele situaties, en hoe die zorg het best geleverd kan worden. Zorgverzekeraars leggen hierbij minimumeisen op, o.a. met betrekking tot de inzet van eHealth. Wijkverpleegkundigen hebben op dit moment echter niet of nauwelijks ervaring met het inzetten en toepassen van technologische toepassingen zoals eHealth. Vraagarticulatie leidde tot de volgende praktijkvraagstelling: 1. Hoe kunnen wijkverpleegkundigen worden voorzien in hun informatiebehoefte over eHealth? 2. Hoe kunnen wijkverpleegkundigen worden ondersteund in hun klinisch redeneren over het inzetten van eHealth bij hun cliënten? 3. Hoe kunnen wijkverpleegkundigen worden ondersteund bij het inzetten van eHealth in hun zorgproces? Het project levert hiertoe drie bijdragen: - De eerste bijdrage is een duurzaam geborgde keuzehulp (een app voor tablet of smartphone) waarmee wijkverpleegkundigen toegang hebben tot de benodigde informatie over eHealth-toepassingen en die aansluit bij de manier waarop wijkverpleegkundigen zorg indiceren (bijvoorbeeld door relaties te leggen tussen NIC-interventies en bijpassende eHealth-toepassingen). - Informatievoorziening is niet een afdoende antwoord op de handelingsverlegenheid van de wijkverpleegkundige omdat eHealth sterk in ontwikkeling is en blijft waardoor er altijd een discrepantie zal bestaan tussen de beschikbare en de benodigde informatie. . De tweede bijdrage van dit project is daarom kennis over (en inzicht in) het klinisch redeneren over de inzet van eHealth. Deze kennis wordt in het project doorvertaald naar een trainingsmodule die erop is gericht om het klinisch redeneren van wijkverpleegkundigen over het inzetten van eHealth en andere thuiszorgtechnologie bij hun cliënten te versterken. - De derde bijdrage van dit project omhelst inbedding van bovengenoemde resultaten in het verpleegkunde-onderwijs van onder meer Windesheim en in nascholingstrajecten voor wijkverpleegkundigen. Voor duurzame, bredere inbedding in het onderwijs wordt samengewerkt met regionale zorgonderwijsnetwerken. In this project the research group IT-innovations in Health Care of Windesheim University of Applied Sciences cooperates with care organisations de ZorgZaak, De Stouwe, and IJsselheem, and stakeholders Zorgcampus Noorderboog, Zorgtrainingscentrum Regio Zwolle, Patiëntenfederatie NPCF, VitaalThuis, ActiZ, Vilans, V&VN, University of Twente, and research group Innovation of Care of Older Adults of Windesheim to enable home care nurses to autonomously and adequately, based on clinical reasoning, allocate eHealth and implement it in patient care. The motivation behind this project lies in the alterations in the care insurance legislation per January 2015. Since then, home care nurses are responsible for the care allocation of all care at home: they determine which care their clients require, taking into account the individual situations, and how this care can best be delivered. Care insurance companies impose minimum requirements for this allocation of home care, among others concerning the implementation of eHealth. Home care nurses, however, have no or limited information about and experience with technical applications like eHealth. Articulation of the demands of home care nurses resulted in the following questions: 1. How can home care nurses be provided with information concerning eHealth? 2. How can home care nurses be supported in their clinical reasoning about the deployment of eHealth by their patients? 3. How can home care nurses be supported when deploying eHealth in their care process? This project contributes in three ways: " The first contribution is a sustainable selection tool (an app for tablet or smartphone) to be used by home care nurses to provide them with the required information about eHealth applications. This selection tool will work in accordance with how home care nurses allocate care, e.g. by relating NIC-interventions to matching eHealth applications. " Providing information is an insufficient, although necessary, answer to the demands of home care nurses because of continuously developing eHealth applications. Hence, the second contribution of this project is knowledge about (and insight in) the clinical reasoning about the deployment of eHealth. This knowledge will be converted into a training module aimed at strengthening the clinical reasoning about the deployment of eHealth by their patients. " The third contribution of this project concerns embedding the selection tool and the training module in regular education (among others at Windesheim) and in refresher courses for home care nurses. Cooperation with regional care education networks will ensure sustainable and broad embedding of both the selection tool and the training module.