Electric vehicles have penetrated the Dutch market, which increases the potential for decreased local emissions, the use and storage of sustainable energy, and the roll-out and use of electric car-sharing business models. This development also raises new potential issues such as increased electricity demand, a lack of social acceptance, and infrastructural challenges in the built environment. Relevant stakeholders, such as policymakers and service providers, need to align their values and prioritize these aspects. Our study investigates the prioritization of 11 Dutch decision-makers in the field of public electric vehicle charging. These decision-makers prioritized different indicators related to measurements (e.g., EV adoption rates or charge point profitability), organization (such as fast- or smart-charging), and developments (e.g., the development of mobility-service markets) using the best-worst method. The indicators within these categories were prioritized for three different scenario's in time. The results reveal that priorities will shift from EV adoption and roll-out of infrastructure to managing peak demand, using more sustainable charging techniques (such as V2G), and using sustainable energy towards 2030. Technological advancements and autonomous charging techniques will become more relevant in a later time period, around 2040. Environmental indicators (e.g., local emissions) were consistently valued low, whereas mobility indicators were valued differently across participants, indicating a lack of consensus. Smart charging was consistently valued higher than other charging techniques, independent of time period. The results also revealed that there are some distinct differences between the priorities of policymakers and service providers. Having a systematic overview of what aspects matter supports the policy discussion around EVs in the built environment.
Due to emancipation process there is need for information on Deaf culture - Is there a Deaf Culture in the Netherlands? - If so what is it? How can we define it? - What are priorities in research? - How best disseminate results in Deaf community? - Lobby for rights of Deaf people (Unesco 1994; UN Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006)
AbstractBackground: Ecological models are currently the most used approaches to classify and conceptualise determinantsof sedentary behaviour, but these approaches are limited in their ability to capture the complexity of and interplaybetween determinants. The aim of the project described here was to develop a transdisciplinary dynamic framework,grounded in a system-based approach, for research on determinants of sedentary behaviour across the life span andintervention and policy planning and evaluation.Methods: A comprehensive concept mapping approach was used to develop the Systems Of Sedentary behaviours(SOS) framework, involving four main phases: (1) preparation, (2) generation of statements, (3) structuring (sorting andranking), and (4) analysis and interpretation. The first two phases were undertaken between December 2013 andFebruary 2015 by the DEDIPAC KH team (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity Knowledge Hub). The lasttwo phases were completed during a two-day consensus meeting in June 2015.
In het PRIMa mond CARE project wordt onderzocht in hoeverre de mondgezondheid bijdraagt aan de voorspelling van kwetsbaarheid bij thuiswondende ouderen.Doel Het doel van het PRIMa mond CARE project is te onderzoeken in hoeverre mondgezondheid bijdraagt aan de voorspelling van kwetsbaarheid bij thuiswonende ouderen. Resultaten Voor het onderzoek zijn 1202 ouderen geïncludeerd, waarvan 45% mannen. De gemiddelde leeftijd van de participanten was 73 jaar. De eerste resultaten laten verbanden zien tussen kwetsbaarheid en onderstaande gezondheidsfactoren: • het bezoeken van de tandarts voor een spoedconsult; • het ervaren van ongemakken in de mond; • het aanpassen van de voeding als gevolg van ongemakken in de mond en • het dragen van een gebitsprothese. De volgende artikelen over dit onderzoek zijn inmiddels gepubliceerd: 'Probing problems and priorities in oral health among community dwelling elderly in the Netherlands' in het International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. In het International Journal of Health Services is het artikel 'Needs in Sevice Provision for Older People: An comparison Between Greater Manchester (United Kingdom) and Utrecht (the Netherlands)' gepubliceerd. Recentelijk verscheen ‘’Measurement properties of oral health assessments for non-dental professionals in older people: a systematic review’’ in het BMC Geriatrics. Looptijd 01 november 2016 - 01 juli 2020 Aanpak De huisarts brengt met een softwareprogramma genaamd ‘’U-PRIM’’ de groep potentieel kwetsbare ouderen in kaart. De mensen uit deze screening komen in fase twee: U-CARE. Zij ontvangen een vragenlijst: de Groningen Frailty Indicator. Met de uitkomsten van de vragenlijsten worden de domeinen van kwetsbaarheid gedefinieerd. Deze mensen krijgen huisbezoek van een praktijkverpleegkundige die een zorgplan op maat maakt. De verpleegkundige screent tijdens dit bezoek de oudere ook op mondgezondheidsproblemen, naast de algemene gezondheidscontrole. Daarnaast zijn de gegevens uit het tandartsenbestand gekoppeld aan de gegevens van de huisarts. Ook zijn twee vragen over mondgezondheid toegevoegd aan de Groningen Frailty Indicator. Aan de deelnemers van het onderzoek is toestemming gevraagd om de tandartsgegevens op te vragen bij de tandarts en deze te koppelen aan de huisartsgegevens. Daarnaast zijn alle gegevens anoniem verwerkt.
Since the 1970s, Caribbean reefs have transitioned from coral-dominated to algal-dominated ecosystems. The prevalence of algae reduces coral recruitment, rendering the reefs unable to recover from additional disturbances and jeopardizing crucial ecosystem services, including coastal protection, fisheries, and tourism. One of the main factors to the proliferation of algae is the scarcity of grazers, which is a result of overfishing and disease outbreaks. While fishing supports livelihoods, enhances local food security, and is an integral part of the Caribbean communities' culture, it remains a significant threat to coral reefs. Consequently, the Nature and Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP) 2020-2030, outlining conservation and restoration priorities in the Caribbean Netherlands, underscores the necessity of an integrated approach to tackle the complex challenges of coral reef restoration and fisheries development. The Saba government, and nature management organizations of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba are implementing the NEPP. Together with University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein, Wageningen University and WWF, they aim to identify novel species of native invertebrate grazers with the dual purpose of reef restoration and fisheries diversification. The Caribbean king crab (Maguimithrax spinosissimus), the West Indian sea egg (Tripneustes ventricosus), and the West Indian top shell (Cittarium pica) have been identified as potential candidates. Despite their preference to graze on macroalgae, their current densities are inadequate. Population enhancement of these species holds promise for reducing algae, promoting biodiversity, and simultaneously supporting small-scale fisheries. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the ecological effects and socio-economic potential of these grazers. The ReefGrazers project aims to assess the current densities of these herbivores around the BES islands, analyze their impacts on the reef, and evaluate their retention post-restocking. Socio-economic research will quantify current small-scale fishing practices, while market analysis will help assess the potential for the development of these novel resources as sustainable fisheries.
The project ‘Towards resilient leisure, tourism and hospitality (LTH) ecosystems in Europe’ addresses the critical problem of unsustainable practices in the tourism and travel industry. The LTH industry is ‘back on track’ after recovering from the global Covid-19 crisis. Destinations show increased numbers of international arrivals and rapid growth of tourism-related revenues. It is foreseen that cities like Amsterdam, but also vulnerable natural areas, will receive record numbers of visitors in the coming decade. The dominant economic model operating within the industry nonetheless prioritizes short-term gains, resulting in extreme exploitation of resources, labour, and local communities, evidenced by negative impacts in European destinations like Venice and the Canary Islands. The project aims to shift the industry’s focus to long-term sustainability, addressing systemic constraints and facilitating a transition that aligns with European priorities for a sustainable and just future. It builds vital connections between regional, national, and European research priorities by addressing and advocating for climate and social justice. Regionally, it investigates best practices across diverse tourism environments in Finland, Spain, Sweden, the UK, Scotland, and The Netherlands. Nationally, it challenges the status quo by proposing alternative governance frameworks that individual countries could adopt to encourage sustainable tourism practices. On a European scale, the project aligns with EU goals of climate action and sustainable development, supporting objectives of the European Green Deal and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to build solid theoretical foundations necessary for a transition towards more resilient and environmentally and socially inclusive LTH ecosystems. Through integrating insights from multiple regions, the project transcends local boundaries and offers scalable solutions that can influence policy and industry standards at both national and European levels. The project's transdisciplinary nature ensures that proposed solutions are grounded in diverse eco-socioeconomic contexts, making them robust and adaptable.