Through the commodification of nature, the framing of the environment as a ‘natural resource’ or ‘ecosystem service’ has become increasingly prominent in international environmental governance. The economic capture approach is promoted by international organizations such as the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) through Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). This paper will inquire as to how forest protection is related to issues of social and ecological justice, exploring whether forest exploitation based on the top-down managerial model fosters an unequitable distribution of resources. Both top-down and community-based approaches to forest protection will be critically examined and a more inclusive ethical framework to forest protection will be offered. The findings of this examination indicate the need for a renewed focus on existing examples of good practice in addressing both social and ecological need, as well as the necessity to address the less comfortable problem of where compromise appears less possible. The conclusion argues for the need to consider ecological justice as an important aspect of more socially orientated environmental justice for forest protection.
Concepts to protect wood from factors like ultraviolet (UV) radiation, water and wood-decaying fungi with the help of fungi exist in different variants. The idea to treat wood with the help of linseed oil and the living fungus Aureobasidium pullulans originated in 1996 during an European project assessing sustainable protection systems (Sailer et al., 2010). At that time, wood impregnated with natural oils resulted surprisingly in an evenly dark colored surface. These color changes were usually associated with irregular discoloration and staining and were further investigated. It has been shown that the fungus Aureobasidium pullulans was growing on surfaces treated with linseed oil. The fact that Aureobasium pullulans reproducibly grows on water repellent linseed surfaces in many regions around the world makes it suitable for use in a wide range of applications. Research did show that Aureobasidium pullulans produces pigments and binders on its own. This contribution documents the investigation to, identify the possibilities of biological wood surface treatment with Aureobasidium. The combination of the hydrophobizing effect of linseed oil and the surface treatment with the so-called biofinish creates an aesthetically appealing dark living surface, which significantly prolongs the life of wood outdoors and reduces maintenance costs. Since the idea has been developed into an industrially applicable process (Xyhlo biofinish, 2018). Using this concept, building components e.g. façades can be protected with a biological and functional coating thereby contribution to lessen the environmental impact of buildings.
This report was produced within the framework of the RAAK PRP project ‘Veiligheid op de werkvloer’. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used on a daily basis by millions of people all over the EU, voluntarily or as a result of EU legislation. In this report we deal specifically with the textile/garment aspects of PPE. In this context we must consider the fact that PPE encompasses a huge area with hundreds of different applications of materials and systems tuned to specific needs;from a materials point of view it represents a complex area due to the large diversity of labour conditions. Textiles and clothing represent an area where PPE is an important area of attention. On a global scale it is an area of much research. Safety and comfort are becoming more and more important and these aspects must be in balance. Uncomfortable systems will not be used and put safe working at risk. Thus there is a continuous need for technological innovation to improve the effectiveness of PPE systems. Specialization and specific combinations aimed at use under well-defined conditions contributes to finding a good balance between comfort and safety. The design of products, taking into account the individual needs represent an area of intensive research: Safety directed ‘fashion design’.The ultimate goal is the development of proactive systems by which workers (but capital goods as well) are optimally protected. There is also a lot of attention for maintenance and cleaning since protective functions may deteriorate as a result of cleaning processes. Another important point is standardization because producers need directions for product development and supply of goods. In our overview we make a distinction between static and dynamic systems. Static systems provide passive protection, simply by being a part of an equipment that separates the worker from the danger zone. Dynamic systems are more ‘intelligent’ because these can react to stimuli and subsequently can take action. These dynamic systems use sensors, communication technology and actuators. From this research the following may be concluded: 1. Safety is obtained by choice of materials for a textile construction, including the use of coatings with special properties, application of specific additives and he use of special designed fibre shapes. 2. The architecture and ultimate construction and the combinations with other materials result in products that respond adequately. This is of great importance because of the balance comfort – safety. But a lot can be improved in this respect. 3. Insight in human behaviour, ambient intelligence and systems technology will lead to new routes for product development and a more active approach and higher levels of safety on the work floor. Consequently there is a lot of research going on that is aimed at improved materials and systems. Also due to the enormous research area of smart textiles a lot of development is aimed at the integration of new technology for application in PPE. This results in complex products that enhance both passive and active safety. Especially the commissioners, government and industry, must pay a lot of attention to specifying the required properties that a product should meet under the specific conditions. This has a cost aspect as well because production volumes are usually not that large if for small groups of products specific demands are defined. We expect that through the technology that is being developed in the scope of mass customization production technologies will be developed that allows production at acceptable cost, but still aimed at products that have specific properties for unique application areas. Purchasing is now being practiced through large procurements. We must than consider the fact that specification takes place on the basis of functionality. In that case we should move away from the current cost focus but the attention should shift towards the life cycle
The research proposal aims to improve the design and verification process for coastal protection works. With global sea levels rising, the Netherlands, in particular, faces the challenge of protecting its coastline from potential flooding. Four strategies for coastal protection are recognized: protection-closed (dikes, dams, dunes), protection-open (storm surge barriers), advancing the coastline (beach suppletion, reclamation), and accommodation through "living with water" concepts. The construction process of coastal protection works involves collaboration between the client and contractors. Different roles, such as project management, project control, stakeholder management, technical management, and contract management, work together to ensure the project's success. The design and verification process is crucial in coastal protection projects. The contract may include functional requirements or detailed design specifications. Design drawings with tolerances are created before construction begins. During construction and final verification, the design is measured using survey data. The accuracy of the measurement techniques used can impact the construction process and may lead to contractual issues if not properly planned. The problem addressed in the research proposal is the lack of a comprehensive and consistent process for defining and verifying design specifications in coastal protection projects. Existing documents focus on specific aspects of the process but do not provide a holistic approach. The research aims to improve the definition and verification of design specifications through a systematic review of contractual parameters and survey methods. It seeks to reduce potential claims, improve safety, enhance the competitiveness of maritime construction companies, and decrease time spent on contractual discussions. The research will have several outcomes, including a body of knowledge describing existing and best practices, a set of best practices and recommendations for verifying specific design parameters, and supporting documents such as algorithms for verification.
Coastal nourishments, where sand from offshore is placed near or at the beach, are nowadays a key coastal protection method for narrow beaches and hinterlands worldwide. Recent sea level rise projections and the increasing involvement of multiple stakeholders in adaptation strategies have resulted in a desire for nourishment solutions that fit a larger geographical scale (O 10 km) and a longer time horizon (O decades). Dutch frontrunner pilot experiments such as the Sandmotor and Ameland inlet nourishment, as well as the Hondsbossche Dunes coastal reinforcement project have all been implemented from this perspective, with the specific aim to encompass solutions that fit in a renewed climate-resilient coastal protection strategy. By capitalizing on recent large-scale nourishments, the proposed Coastal landSCAPE project C-SCAPE will employ and advance the newly developed Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach to construct a sustainable long-term nourishment strategy in the face of an uncertain future, linking climate and landscape scales to benefits for nature and society. Novel long-term sandy solutions will be examined using this pathways method, identifying tipping points that may exist if distinct strategies are being continued. Crucial elements for the construction of adaptive pathways are 1) a clear view on the long-term feasibility of different nourishment alternatives, and 2) solid, science-based quantification methods for integral evaluation of the social, economic, morphological and ecological outcomes of various pathways. As currently both elements are lacking, we propose to erect a Living Lab for Climate Adaptation within the C-SCAPE project. In this Living Lab, specific attention is paid to the socio-economic implications of the nourished landscape, as we examine how morphological and ecological development of the large-scale nourishment strategies and their design choices (e.g. concentrated vs alongshore uniform, subaqueous vs subaerial, geomorphological features like artificial lagoons) translate to social acceptance.
Zand en andere grove grondstoffen worden steeds schaarser door intensief gebruik in infrastructuur en industrie, terwijl miljarden kubieke meters slib wereldwijd worden uitgebaggerd om vaargeulen en havens operationeel te houden. Vanwege dit groeiende tekort aan traditionele grondstoffen is er behoefte aan het ontwikkelen van nieuwe methodieken voor hergebruik van slib en lokaal sediment, onder andere voor dijkversterking en ophoging van landbouwgronden. Echter wordt gebaggerd slib volgens de regelgeving nog als een van de grootste potentiële afvalstromen gezien. Ook is slib complexer in het gebruik omdat het bestaat uit een heterogeen mengsel van onder meer water, zand, organisch materiaal, fijnstof en gas. Vanwege schaarste in bouwmaterialen lopen er steeds meer initiatieven voor het nuttig hergebruiken van gebaggerd slib, maar de optimale laagdikte en aanlegtechnieken moeten nog worden onderzocht. Met dit project zoeken lectoraat Sustainable River Management samen met Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein en de praktijkpartners Klaei B.V., Waterschap Noorderzijlvest en EcoShape naar de best practices voor het produceren van waardevol klei uit havenslib. Via laboratoriumexperimenten en veldproeven binnen grootschalige pilots worden mechanische eigenschappen van havenslib uit de Lauwersoog haven in beeld gebracht. Er wordt gezocht naar de optimale dikte van havenslib om bruikbare klei te produceren. Daarbij wordt onderzocht of de mechanische eigenschappen van de geproduceerde klei afhankelijk zijn van de laagdikte van de initiële laag of havenslib. De resultaten verbinden de laagdikte in rijpingscompartimenten met materiaaleigenschappen en monitoren de initiële verouderingsprocessen na de aanleg van de klei in een proefdijk. Het eindresultaat biedt inzicht in de best practices voor toepassing van havenslib en de daarbij horende materiaaleigenschappen. Dit project draagt daarmee direct bij aan de ontwikkeling van een nieuw, duurzaam materiaal voor gebruik in dijkversterkingen en landbouw en een circulaire economie in Nederland in 2050.