In clinical practice, identifying positive and negative attitudes toward older patients is very important to improve quality of care provided to them. The Older People in Acute Care Survey – United States (OPACS-US) is an instrument measuring hospital nurses attitudes regarding older patients. However, psychometrics have never been assessed. Furthermore, knowledge being related to attitude and behavior should also be measured complementing the OPACS-US. The purpose of this study was to assess structural validity and reliability of the OPACS-US and assess whether the OPACS-US can be complemented with the Knowledge about Older Patients-Quiz (KOP-Q). A multicenter cross sectional design was conducted. Registered nurses (n = 130, mean age 39,9 years; working experience 14,6 years) working in four general hospitals were included in the study. Nurses completed the OPACS-US section A: practice experiences, B: general opinion and the KOP-Q online. Findings demonstrated that the OPACS-US is a valid and reliable survey instrument that measures practice experiences and general opinion. Furthermore, the OPACS-US can be combined with the KOP-Q adding a knowledge construct, and is ready for use within education and/or quality improvement programs in the USA.
Background: The aging population is increasingly faced with daily life limitations, threatening their Functional Independence (FI). These limitations extend different life domains and require a broad range of community-care professionals to be addressed. The Decision Support Tool for Functional Independence (DST-FI) facilitates community-care professionals in providing uncontradictory recommendations regarding the maintenance of FI in community-dwelling older people. The current study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the DST-FI. Methods: Sixty community-care professionals completed a twofold assessment. To assess construct validity, participants were asked to assign predefined recommendations to fifty cases of older people to maintain their level of FI. Hypotheses were tested regarding the expected recommendations per case. Content validity was assessed by questions on relevance, comprehensiveness, and comprehensibility of the current set of recommendations. Twelve participants repeated the assessment after two weeks to enable both within- and between rater reliability properties, expressed by an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. Results: Seven out of eight predefined hypotheses confirmed expectations, indicating high construct validity. As the recommendations were indicated 'relevant' and 'complete', content validity was high as well. Agreement between raters was poor to moderate while agreement within raters was moderate to excellent, resulting in moderate overall reliability. Conclusion: The DST-FI suggests high validity and moderate reliability properties when used in a population of community-dwelling older people. The tool could facilitate community-care professionals in their task to preserve FI in older people. Future research should focus on psychometric properties like feasibility, acceptability, and developing and piloting strategies for implementation in community-care.
BACKGROUND: The quality standards of the Dutch Society of Intensive Care require monitoring of the satisfaction of patient's relatives with respect to care. Currently, no suitable instrument is available in the Netherlands to measure this. This study describes the development and psychometric evaluation of the questionnaire-based Consumer Quality Index 'Relatives in Intensive Care Unit' (CQI 'R-ICU'). The CQI 'R-ICU' measures the perceived quality of care from the perspective of patients' relatives, and identifies aspects of care that need improvement.METHODS: The CQI 'R-ICU' was developed using a mixed method design. Items were based on quality of care aspects from earlier studies and from focus group interviews with patients' relatives. The time period for the data collection of the psychometric evaluation was from October 2011 until July 2012. Relatives of adult intensive care patients in one university hospital and five general hospitals in the Netherlands were approached to participate. Psychometric evaluation included item analysis, inter-item analysis, and factor analysis.RESULTS: Twelve aspects were noted as being indicators of quality of care, and were subsequently selected for the questionnaire's vocabulary. The response rate of patients' relatives was 81% (n = 455). Quality of care was represented by two clusters, each showing a high reliability: 'Communication' (α = .80) and 'Participation' (α = .84). Relatives ranked the following aspects for quality of care as most important: no conflicting information, information from doctors and nurses is comprehensive, and health professionals take patients' relatives seriously. The least important care aspects were: need for contact with peers, nuisance, and contact with a spiritual counsellor. Aspects that needed the most urgent improvement (highest quality improvement scores) were: information about how relatives can contribute to the care of the patient, information about the use of meal-facilities in the hospital, and involvement in decision-making on the medical treatment of the patient.CONCLUSIONS: The CQI 'R-ICU' evaluates quality of care from the perspective of relatives of intensive care patients and provides practical information for quality assurance and improvement programs. The development and psychometric evaluation of the CQI 'R-ICU' led to a draft questionnaire, sufficient to justify further research into the reliability, validity, and the discriminative power of the questionnaire.