Culture of the Selfie is an in-depth art-historical overview of self-portraiture, using a set of theories from visual studies, narratology, media studies, psychotherapy, and political principles. Collecting information from various fields, juxtaposing them on the historical time-line of artworks, the book focuses on space in self-portraits, shared between the person self-portraying and the viewer. What is the missing information of the transparent relationship to the self and what kind of world appears behind each selfie? As the ‘world behind one’s back’ is gradually taking larger place in the visual field, the book dwells on a capacity of selfies to master reality, the inter-mediate way and, in a measure, oneself.
Objective:Acknowledging study limitations in a scientific publication is a crucial element in scientific transparency and progress. However, limitation reporting is often inadequate. Natural language processing (NLP) methods could support automated reporting checks, improving research transparency. In this study, our objective was to develop a dataset and NLP methods to detect and categorize self-acknowledged limitations (e.g., sample size, blinding) reported in randomized controlled trial (RCT) publications.Methods:We created a data model of limitation types in RCT studies and annotated a corpus of 200 full-text RCT publications using this data model. We fine-tuned BERT-based sentence classification models to recognize the limitation sentences and their types. To address the small size of the annotated corpus, we experimented with data augmentation approaches, including Easy Data Augmentation (EDA) and Prompt-Based Data Augmentation (PromDA). We applied the best-performing model to a set of about 12K RCT publications to characterize self-acknowledged limitations at larger scale.Results:Our data model consists of 15 categories and 24 sub-categories (e.g., Population and its sub-category DiagnosticCriteria). We annotated 1090 instances of limitation types in 952 sentences (4.8 limitation sentences and 5.5 limitation types per article). A fine-tuned PubMedBERT model for limitation sentence classification improved upon our earlier model by about 1.5 absolute percentage points in F1 score (0.821 vs. 0.8) with statistical significance (). Our best-performing limitation type classification model, PubMedBERT fine-tuning with PromDA (Output View), achieved an F1 score of 0.7, improving upon the vanilla PubMedBERT model by 2.7 percentage points, with statistical significance ().Conclusion:The model could support automated screening tools which can be used by journals to draw the authors’ attention to reporting issues. Automatic extraction of limitations from RCT publications could benefit peer review and evidence synthesis, and support advanced methods to search and aggregate the evidence from the clinical trial literature.
ABSTRACT It is unknown whether heterogeneity in effects of self-management interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be explained by differences in programme characteristics. This study aimed to identify which characteristics of COPD self-management interventions are most effective. Systematic search in electronic databases identified randomised trials on self-management interventions conducted between 1985 and 2013. Individual patient data were requested for meta-analysis by generalised mixed effects models. 14 randomised trials were included (67% of eligible), representing 3282 patients (75% of eligible). Univariable analyses showed favourable effects on some outcomes for more planned contacts and longer duration of interventions, interventions with peer contact, without log keeping, without problem solving, and without support allocation. After adjusting for other programme characteristics in multivariable analyses, only the effects of duration on all-cause hospitalisation remained. Each month increase in intervention duration reduced risk of all-cause hospitalisation (time to event hazard ratios 0.98, 95% CI 0.97–0.99; risk ratio (RR) after 6 months follow-up 0.96, 95% CI 0.92–0.99; RR after 12 months follow-up 0.98, 95% CI 0.96–1.00). Our results showed that longer duration of self-management interventions conferred a reduction in allcause hospitalisations in COPD patients. Other characteristics are not consistently associated with differential effects of self-management interventions across clinically relevant outcomes.
Er ontstaan in Nederland veel blessures als gevolg van overbelasting in alle lagen van de sport. Hoe kunnen deze blessures worden voorkomen? Insteek van dit project is het gebruik van (sensor)technologie en big data analyse voor het vroegtijdig detecteren van signalen van overbelasting en daarmee het voorkomen van blessures. Een grote hoeveelheid technologie wordt momenteel al gebruikt voor het meten aan sporters (quantified self). Professionele sportclubs investeren in dure systemen. Diepte-interviews tonen echter aan dat er twee grote problemen zijn: ten eerste de grote hoeveelheid data en ten tweede de kennis voor een juiste interpretatie van de data benodigd voor een omzetting naar een trainingsadvies. Computermodellen opgebouwd uit systematische data-analyse van de enorme hoeveelheden trainingsdata en aangevuld met domeinkennis kunnen deze problemen oplossen. Er is behoefte aan een systeem waarin informatie uit verschillende bronnen in één systeem wordt opgeslagen en toegankelijk gemaakt om vervolgens geïntegreerd geanalyseerd te kunnen worden. Individuele profielen moeten gebouwd worden uit de data voor een snelle, automatische interpretatie. Hiermee kan grensbewaking voor overbelasting plaatsvinden en kunnen trainingsaanpassingen gedaan worden waar nodig. Vanuit deze behoefte richt het project zich op de praktijkvraag “Hoe kunnen we een praktisch toepasbaar gereedschap ontwikkelen dat valide de externe en interne trainingsbelasting kan meten, de (para)medische staf en/of fysiek trainer helpt bij het detecteren van (potentiële) overbelasting en daarmee helpt bij het plegen van de juiste interventies voor het voorkomen van blessures?”. Het principe van een dergelijke ‘belastingmonitor’ is al aangetoond. Voor een volwaardig prototype zal echter zowel het computermodel als de gebruikersapplicatie technisch gezien moeten worden doorontwikkeld, geoptimaliseerd, uitgebreid en vooral getest. Daar richten de onderzoeksvragen van dit project zich op. De focus ligt in eerste instantie op het (betaalde) voetbal, maar kan ook naar andere teamsporten en de breedtesport vertaald worden.
Structural colour (SC) is created by light interacting with regular nanostructures in angle-dependent ways resulting in vivid hues. This form of intense colouration offers commercial and industrial benefits over dyes and other pigments. Advantages include durability, efficient use of light, anti-fade properties and the potential to be created from low cost materials (e.g. cellulose fibres). SC is widely found in nature, examples include butterflies, squid, beetles, plants and even bacteria. Flavobacterium IR1 is a Gram-negative, gliding bacterium isolated from Rotterdam harbour. IR1 is able to rapidly self-assemble into a 2D photonic crystal (a form of SC) on hydrated surfaces. Colonies of IR1 are able to display intense, angle-dependent colours when illuminated with white light. The process of assembly from a disordered structure to intense hues, that reflect the ordering of the cells, is possible within 10-20 minutes. This bacterium can be stored long-term by freeze drying and then rapidly activated by hydration. We see these properties as suiting a cellular reporter system quite distinct from those on the market, SC is intended to be “the new Green Fluorescent Protein”. The ability to understand the genomics and genetics of SC is the unique selling point to be exploited in product development. We propose exploiting SC in IR1 to create microbial biosensors to detect, in the first instance, volatile compounds that are damaging to health and the environment over the long term. Examples include petroleum or plastic derivatives that cause cancer, birth defects and allergies, indicate explosives or other insidious hazards. Hoekmine, working with staff and students within the Hogeschool Utrecht and iLab, has developed the tools to do these tasks. We intend to create a freeze-dried disposable product (disposables) that, when rehydrated, allow IR1 strains to sense and report multiple hazardous vapours alerting industries and individuals to threats. The data, visible as brightly coloured patches of bacteria, will be captured and quantified by mobile phone creating a system that can be used in any location by any user without prior training. Access to advice, assay results and other information will be via a custom designed APP. This work will be performed in parallel with the creation of a business plan and market/IP investigation to prepare the ground for seed investment. The vision is to make a widely usable series of tests to allow robust environmental monitoring for all to improve the quality of life. In the future, this technology will be applied to other areas of diagnostics.
Automated driving nowadays has become reality with the help of in-vehicle (ADAS) systems. More and more of such systems are being developed by OEMs and service providers. These (partly) automated systems are intended to enhance road and traffic safety (among other benefits) by addressing human limitations such as fatigue, low vigilance/distraction, reaction time, low behavioral adaptation, etc. In other words, (partly) automated driving should relieve the driver from his/her one or more preliminary driving tasks, making the ride enjoyable, safer and more relaxing. The present in-vehicle systems, on the contrary, requires continuous vigilance/alertness and behavioral adaptation from human drivers, and may also subject them to frequent in-and-out-of-the-loop situations and warnings. The tip of the iceberg is the robotic behavior of these in-vehicle systems, contrary to human driving behavior, viz. adaptive according to road, traffic, users, laws, weather, etc. Furthermore, no two human drivers are the same, and thus, do not possess the same driving styles and preferences. So how can one design of robotic behavior of an in-vehicle system be suitable for all human drivers? To emphasize the need for HUBRIS, this project proposes quantifying the behavioral difference between human driver and two in-vehicle systems through naturalistic driving in highway conditions, and subsequently, formulating preliminary design guidelines using the quantified behavioral difference matrix. Partners are V-tron, a service provider and potential developer of in-vehicle systems, Smits Opleidingen, a driving school keen on providing state-of-the-art education and training, Dutch Autonomous Mobility (DAM) B.V., a company active in operations, testing and assessment of self-driving vehicles in the Groningen province, Goudappel Coffeng, consultants in mobility and experts in traffic psychology, and Siemens Industry Software and Services B.V. (Siemens), developers of traffic simulation environments for testing in-vehicle systems.