By use of a literature review and an environmental scan four plausible future scenarios will be created, based on the research question: How could the future of backpack tourism look like in 2030, and how could tourism businesses anticipate on the changing demand. The scenarios, which allow one to ‘think out of the box’, will eventually be translated into recommendations towards the tourism sector and therefore can create a future proof company strategy.
Deze notitie beoogt een bijdrage te leveren aan de discussie over sociale integratie in Limburg in het algemeen en aan de emancipatie en integratie van enkele (doel)groepen in de provincie Limburg, te weten: jongeren, allochtonen en homoseksuelen in het bijzonder.
Promotor : Prof. dr. S. Brinkkemper In recent years the focus on business process improvement has greatly increased in industry as well as in public and health institutions. Information systems and especially Business Process Management (BPM) systems are essential to achieve this. Despite success and opportunities for organizations that innovate with BPM applications there are also many failures of implementations caused by both technical and non-technical problems. In many instances it appears that user participation and user involvement are critical to the success of implementation. To overcome the many problems this thesis reports on research that focused on the improvement of the user participation practice. Therefore the main research question in this PhD thesis is: How can user participation in BPM implementation be successful?