Business innovation is a multidisciplinary area of expertise that bridges the gap between traditional areas of study such as business administration, organizational studies, marketing, design, engineering and entrepreneurship. Business innovation focuses on creating, accelerating and managing new and sustainable business models through innovation (Crossan and Apaydin, 2010; Keeley, Walters, Pikkel, and Quinn, 2013).
Businesses that can develop an appropriate response to the turbulence created by change and diversified customer expectations retain their sustainable competitive advantage. Especially with Covid19, Digital Transformation has emerged as an important element of pressure and necessity on the competitive advantage of businesses. Digital transformation refers to a radical change process from the way of doing business in the industry and the market to the nature of the interaction with internal and external customers. Digital transformation allows for meeting new expectations with new business processes and customer experiences with the opportunities offered by digital technologies. Although Digital transformation offers important competencies for businesses, it seems that SMEs, especially as important actors in the economy, lag behind large enterprises in the digital transformation process. This situation necessitates a detailed consideration of SMEs in the digital transformation process. This study aims to examine Digital Transformation in SMEs in detail. To achieve this, studies investigating digital transformation in SMEs and presenting empirical results were identified from various indexes (Ulakbim, Scopus, Web of Science, and Proquest). The studies were classified according to "author," "date of publication," "type of research," "sample," and "variables." The empirical evidence regarding the digital transformation process of SMEs is presented. The findings of the study are expected to contribute to the literature by presenting empirical studies on Digital Transformation in SMEs comprehensively. Additionally, it will increase awareness of the findings regarding the digital transformation process of SMEs, which are important actors in the economy.
This chapter answers the question: Why do we need new approaches such as Imagineering? The answer to this question turns out to be simple and clear: Because with growing connectivity comes growing complexity. The chapter starts with an explanation of the difference between complicated and complex issues. Then it explains how hyperconnectivity brings forth not only VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) challenges but also important network opportunities, such as increasing the possibilities for value creation and enabling learning. The main part of this chapter focuses on the big shift in value creation in society and the opportunities that this brings for the operating logic. The implication is that we need to rethink marketing and managerial logic. There is an opportunity to reframe value creation from profit to purpose and to build better business for a better world. The chapter closes by reflecting on the complex innovation challenge that stems from this opportunity. We need new innovation logic.
Breda University of Applied Sciences, Master Imagineering programme students and FHGR, University of Graubuenden, Chur, students from the Digital Business Management, Bachelor programme follow a joint module that has three specific virtual components of interaction: the Experience Design Course, he Ideation Block (Design Hackathon) and the Sustainability and Impact generation (Implementation phase). Further on the joint interaction consists of: joint online lectures and workshops (on a weekly basis); joint online assignments (on a bi-weekly basis) supported by meet-up’s and consultancy sessions and joint online collaborative creative sessions and presentations (regularly).The content that the International Virtual Collaboration encompasses is: The VUCA world we are currently living in (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). Tools to innovate and flourish within and beyond VUCA; Experience and Transformation design through business and social canvas modeling; Innovation games and Appreciative Inquiry and Social and business impact generation and assessment.The final joint output that the students (in groups) create (the project is running until mid-January 2023 and then analysis and data processing until March 2023) will be a design concept/model for a specific case/organization with strategic implementation plan and recommendation report.