Het ondergaan van een eenzijdige beenamputatie is een drastische chirurgische ingreep. Mensen, die na een amputatie in staat zijn om te lopen met een prothese, zijn functioneel onafhankelijker, en hebben een hogere kwaliteit van leven dan mensen die in een rolstoel belanden. Het is daarom niet verrassend dat het herwinnen van de oopvaardigheid één van de voornaamste doelen is tijdens de revalidatie. Doel van het onderzoek was om inzicht te krijgen in de factoren die het herwinnen en onderhouden van de loopvaardigheid van mensen na een beenamputatie beïnvloeden. Gebaseerd op de resultaten van het onderzoek kan geconcludeerd worden dat de fysieke capaciteit hierbij een belangrijke rol speelt. Een relatief kleine verbetering in de capaciteit kan al resulteren in significante en klinisch relevante verbeteringen. Hoewel geavanceerde prothesen de mechanische belasting van het lopen met een beenprothese verminderen, kan een ineffectieve balanscontrole deze positieve resultaten weer tenietdoen. ABSTRACT Undergoing a lower limb amputation is a life-changing surgery. The ability to walk greatly influences the subject's functional independence and quality of life. Not surprisingly, regaining walking ability is one of the primary goals during prosthetic rehabilitation. The primary aim of the research performed was to enhance our understanding of some of the factors that influence the ability to regain and maintain walking after a unilateral lower limb amputation. Based on the results we can deduce that a person's physical capacity plays an important role in their walking ability. Relatively small improvements in capacity could lead to significant and clinically relevant improvements in people's walking ability. Furthermore, results show that sophisticated prosthetic feet can reduce the mechanical load experienced when walking with a prosthesis. Interestingly, inefficient balance control strategies can undo any positive effect of these prostheses.
Despite the many benefits of club-organized sports participation for children, sports participation is lower among children from low-income families than among those from middle- or high-income families. Social safety experienced by parents from low-income families is an important facilitator for parents to request financial support for their children’s sports participation. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to better understand parental social (un)safety in the context of acquiring financial support for children’s sports participation and how to create a safe social environment for low-income parents to request and receive this financial support. The second aim was to describe the co-creation process, which was organized to contribute to social safety solutions. To reach these goals, we applied a participatory action research method in the form of four co-creation sessions with professionals and an expert-by-experience, as well as a group interview with parents from low-income families. The data analysis included a thematic analysis of the qualitative data. The results showed that from the perspective of parents, social safety encompassed various aspects such as understandable information, procedures based on trust, and efficient referral processes. Sport clubs were identified as the primary source of information for parents. Regarding the co-creation process, the study found that stakeholders tended to overestimate parental social safety levels. Although the stakeholders enjoyed and learned from the sessions, differences in prior knowledge and a lack of a shared perspective on the purpose of the sessions made it challenging to collaboratively create solutions. The study’s recommendations include strategies for increasing parental social safety and facilitating more effective co-creation processes. The findings of this study can be used to inform the development of interventions that contribute to a social environment in which parents from low-income families feel safe to request and receive financial support for their children’s sports participation.
Background: Non-technical errors, such as insufficient communication or leadership, are a major cause of medical failures during trauma resuscitation. Research on staffing variation among trauma teams on teamwork is still in their infancy. In this study, the extent of variation in trauma team staffing was assessed. Our hypothesis was that there would be a high variation in trauma team staffing. Methods: Trauma team composition of consecutive resuscitations of injured patients were evaluated using videos. All trauma team members that where part of a trauma team during a trauma resuscitation were identified and classified during a one-week period. Other outcomes were number of unique team members, number of new team members following the previous resuscitation and new team members following the previous resuscitation in the same shift (Day, Evening, Night). Results: All thirty-two analyzed resuscitations had a unique trauma team composition and 101 unique members were involved. A mean of 5.71 (SD 2.57) new members in teams of consecutive trauma resuscitations was found, which was two-third of the trauma team. Mean team members present during trauma resuscitation was 8.38 (SD 1.43). Most variation in staffing was among nurses (32 unique members), radiology technicians (22 unique members) and anesthetists (19 unique members). The least variation was among trauma surgeons (3 unique members) and ER physicians (3 unique members). Conclusion: We found an extremely high variation in trauma team staffing during thirty-two consecutive resuscitations at our level one trauma center which is incorporated in an academic teaching hospital. Further research is required to explore and prevent potential negative effects of staffing variation in trauma teams on teamwork, processes and patient related outcomes.