Developing a research approach from Amsterdam Zuidoost. We are committed to using our presence in the area to contributea) continuing promoting interest in, and acquiring knowledge of, Zuidoost; b) respecting and embracing its versatility and c) eliminating barriers in its layout.In all three elements, we adopt the metaphor of a guided tour that provides a physical and mental map to share. We relate such a map to anexisting tradition of what we like to call ‘translators’ of the area, people suchas guide Jenny van Dalen, or architect Peter Dautzenberg. These are peoplewho recognised the beauty of places such as the Bijlmer before others, andwho taught many to appreciate (and conserve) them. In this sense, theirwork has contributed to a revalorisation of Bijlmer heritage and to a morewidespread awareness of its value.However, there are also concerns that this revalorisation could result inexcessively lucrative operations that may be detrimental to the currentresidents of Zuidoost. The renovation of the Amsterdamse Poort and thetransformation of the emblematic ‘Zandkasteel’ (Sand Castle) building intoluxury apartments has been met with mixed feelings, as these works couldaffect accessibility and increase prices throughout the area. More than ever,especially in relation to point ‘b’ above, concerted efforts need to be made toensure that investments will improve collective public spaces and will buildon an inclusive and diverse cultural and historical awareness.More specifically, The Bijlmer has now acquired legitimacy and cannot simplybe demolished. Its history is also linked to the many newcomers that broughtnew rhythms to the city of Amsterdam.We are convinced that Zuidoost’s sustainable plans and metropolitanambitions will only succeed if they also include, reflect upon and safeguard this versatility.In cooperation with Carla Hoffschulte
In 2019, the first "Atelier Book" was published . Since then, a few years have passed and numerous new Ateliers have emerged. With this new atelier book, through more than 30 portraits, the richness and variety of ateliers within our college are shown. The portraits are divided as follows: ateliers at the NHL Stenden locations, external ateliers and ateliers which the facilities are a strong determinant. These portraits show which issues are being worked on, how they cooperate with the field and researchers and what the added value of the Ateliers is. This atelier book also contains a number of in-depth articles that talk about working and learning in ateliers. The contribution in chapter 1 is about: what NHL Stenden aims at with ateliers, where do the ateliers differ and some experiences with ateliers. After the portraits in chapter 2, chapter 3 presents the 'Atelier Value Creation Model' and a model with design dimensions. Both provide tools for designing and evaluating ateliers. Chapter 4 zooms in on the effects of physical space on learning. Then, Chapter 5 discusses the outcomes of (current) research on ateliers.
Planning of transport through inland shipping is complex, highly dynamic and very specific. Existing software support is focusing on road transport planning and/or is merely a visual representation of shipments to be manually assigned to particular vessels. As a result inland shipment planning is time-consuming and highly relies on the personal skills of the planner. In this paper we present a business rules based model that aims to further support inland shipping organizations in their shipment planning by identifying the characteristics and constraints that are of interest and the related explicated business rules. The model is derived from transport-related literature, explorative expert interviews and transport management software vendors. The usability and applicability of the model is subsequently successfully empirically tested using identified performance measures through a case study at a major European inland shipping broker