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Purpose: The main purpose of the research was to measure reliability and validity of the Scoring Rubric for Information Literacy (Van Helvoort, 2010). Design/methodology/approach: Percentages of agreement and Intraclass Correlation were used to describe interrater reliability. For the determination of construct validity, factor analysis and reliability analysis were used. Criterion validity was calculated with Pearson correlations. Findings: In the described case, the Scoring Rubric for Information Literacy appears to be a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of information literate performance. Originality/value: Reliability and validity are prerequisites to recommend a rubric for application. The results confirm that this Scoring Rubric for Information Literacy can be used in courses in higher education, not only for assessment purposes but also to foster learning. Oorspronkelijke artikel bij Emerald te vinden bij http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JD-05-2016-0066
The objective of this paper is a reflective discussion on the validity of the construct Information Literacy in the perspective of changing information and communication technologies. The research question that will be answered is: what is the impact of technological developments on the relevance of the Information Literacy concept? Technological developments that will be discussed are: - content integration (federated search engines) - amateur publishing (user generated content) - use of social networks to find information - personalisation and push technology - loss of context / fragmentation of information. Research methods: desk research and critical analysis of the results that were found. The analysis of the influence of the discussed technologies on the Information Literacy concept is represented by arrow diagrams. Findings: The Information Literacy concept refers to a set of sub skills varying from retrieval skills to critical use of scholar information. Changing technologies reduce the significance of the more instrumental sub skills of the Information Literacy concept. On the other hand, higher order cognitive skills (for instance critical evaluation of resources and analysis of content) become more and more important for students and professionals who try to solve their information problems. The paper concludes with a description of the facets of the Information Literacy concept that need extra attention in the education of the knowledge workers of the future. [De hier gepubliceerde versie is het 'accepted paper' van het origineel dat is gepubliceerd op www.springerlink.com . De officiële publicatie kan worden gedownload op http://www.springerlink.com/content/n32j3um878720h40/abstract/]
CONCEPT 15-01-2012: gebaseerd op het Rapport ‘Gedragsverandering via campagnes’ van het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken; Zie Renes, et al., 2011 De publiekscampagnes van de Nederlandse rijksoverheid zijn effectiever in het realiseren van kennisoverdracht dan in het (op korte termijn) veranderen van houding en gedrag (zie o.a. Jaarevaluatie Postbus 51-campagnes 2009, 2010). Nederlandse ministeries hechten steeds meer belang aan gedragseffecten en gebruiken dit ook als criterium om de effectiviteit van campagnes te beoordelen. Momenteel zijn veel campagnes nog gebaseerd op klassieke modellen die sterk uitgaan van systematische informatieverwerking en rationeel keuzegedrag (Wevers, Renes, Van Woerkum, 2010). Door groeiend inzicht dat deze modellen niet meer voldoen, heeft de vraag hoe communicatie effectiever kan bijdragen aan gedragsverandering het afgelopen jaar veel aandacht gekregen binnen de Dienst Publiek en Communicatie (DPC), onderdeel van het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, en verantwoordelijk voor het uitvoeren en evalueren van Postbus 51 campagnes.
The European creative visual industry is undergoing rapid technological development, demanding solid initiatives to maintain a competitive position in the marketplace. AVENUE, a pan-European network of Centres of Vocational Excellence, addresses this need through a collaboration of five independent significant ecosystems, each with a smart specialisation. AVENUE will conduct qualified industry-relevant research to assess, analyse, and conclude on the immediate need for professional training and educational development. The primary objective of AVENUE is to present opportunities for immediate professional and vocational training, while innovating teaching and learning methods in formal education, to empower students and professionals in content creation, entrepreneurship, and innovation, while supporting sustainability and healthy working environments. AVENUE will result in a systematised upgrade of workforce to address the demand for new skills arising from rapid technological development. Additionally, it will transform the formal education within the five participating VETs, making them able to transition from traditional artistic education to delivering skills, mindsets and technological competencies demanded by a commercial market. AVENUE facilitates mobility, networking and introduces a wide range of training formats that enable effective training within and across the five ecosystems. A significant portion of the online training is Open Access, allowing professionals from across Europe to upgrade their skills in various processes and disciplines. The result of AVENUE will be a deep-rooted partnership between five strong ecosystems, collaborating to elevate the European industry. More than 2000 professionals, employees, students, and young talents will benefit from relevant and immediate upgrading of competencies and skills, ensuring that the five European ecosystems remain at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness in the creative visual industry.