Aviation increasingly faces capacity challenges exposing inefficiencies and shortcomings of aviation related processes and systems. The European slot allocation system was designed in an era with little to no capacity constraints, now resulting in regulations not fitting in today’s developments.
Market competition and global financial uncertainty have been the principal drivers that impel aviation companies to proceed to budget cuts, including decreases in salary and work force levels, in order to ensure viability and sustainability. Under the concepts of Maslow and Herzberg’s motivation theories, the current paper unfolds the influence of employment cost fluctuations on an aviation organization’s accidents attributed to human error. This study exploited financial and accident data over a period of 13 years, and explored if rates of accidents attributed to human errors of flight, maintenance and ramp crews, correlate with the average employment expenditures (N=13). In addition, the study took into account the relationship between average task load (ratio of flying hours per employee) and accident rates related to human error since task load, as part of total workload, is a constraint of modern complex systems. The results revealed strong correlations amongst accident rates linked to human error with the average employment costs and task load. The use of more specific data per aviation organizational department and professional group may further validate the results of this study. Organizations that seek to explore the 2 association between human error and employment budget and task load might appropriately adapt the approach proposed.
Since March 2013, Paul Peeters is a member of the ICAO/CAEP Working Group 3, which is responsible for setting a new fuel efficiency standard for of civil aviation. He does so for the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation (ICSA). ICSA was established in 1998 by a group of national and international environmental NGOs as official observers. Since its inception, ICSA has contributed to CAEP’s work on technical means to reduce emissions and noise, the role of market-based measures, supporting economic and environmental analysis, modelling and forecasting, and ICAO’s carbon calculator. It has also been invited to present its views at ICAO workshops on carbon markets and bio-fuels, and has presented to the high-level Group on Internation Aviation and Climate Change (GIACC). ICSA uses the expertise within its NGO membership to formulate its co-ordinated positions. To gain the broadest level of understanding and input from environmental NGOs, ICSA communicates with, and invites comment from, other NGO networks and bodies working in related areas. ICSA’s participation in ICAO and CAEP meetings is currently provided by the Aviation Environment Federation (AEF), the International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) and Transport and Environment (T&E). See http://www.icsa-aviation.org
Visit Zuid-Limburg, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland and Hiswa/Recron have asked Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) to conduct an exploratory research into the possible impacts of aircraft noise on tourism and recreation in the Southern part of Limburg province, Netherlands, in relation to the current and future exploitation of Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA). Tourism and recreation are key economic sectors in the characteristic landscape of Southern Limburg. Goal of the project is to review the state-of-the-art of knowledge on aircraft noise impacts on tourism and recreation, and to survey potential visitors of the area on their attitudes towards aircraft noise, in order to map the potential impacts on tourism and recreation in Southern Limburg.Clients: Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, Hiswa-Recron, Visit Zuid-Limburg