In 2021, Breda University of Applied Sciences – 7,000 students in the domains of Hotel Management, Facility Management, Games, Media, Logistics, Built Environment, Leisure & Events, and Tourism –discussed the impact of the emerging developments of immersive technologies (VR, AR, AI, Digital Twins) within the sectoral industries.This project, DigiReal – Digital Realities (DR) for Smart Industries - aimed to look beyond the diversity and variety of individual use cases to develop valuable concepts and innovations in methodologies and lab infrastructure, discussing questions: how do we create, use and experience DR sensibly, meaningfully, and responsibly?This report contains a coherent summary of the project with a lot of (domain) examples and technological developments. As a result, this report contains a BUas-wide research agenda on Digital Realities with a framework of overall, generic research questions, methodologies and ecosystems. This research has been financed by Regieorgaan SIA, part of the Dutch National Funding Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Whitepaper about Immersive Technologies in Tourism and state of the art application cases and best practices within the field of museums, art, destination marketing, virtual events and much more.
This paper proposes a new framework for the production and development of immersive and playful technologies in cultural heritage in which different stakeholders such as users and local communities are involved early on in the product development chain. We believe that an early stage of co-creation in the design process produces a clear understanding of what users struggle with, facilitates the creation of community ownership and helps in better defining the design challenge at hand. We show that adopting such a framework has several direct and indirect benefits, including a deeper sense of site and product ownership as direct benefits to the individual, and the creation and growth of tangential economies to the community.
In view of the 75th commemoration of the liberation of World War II, Visit Brabant asked BUas to connect the main heritage locations in the province through storytelling in order to attract more visitors.In 2015, we developed a narrative concept entitled “Crossroads. Life changing stories 40-45”. In 2016, we developed a brand guide which explains storytelling guidelines. In collaboration with Brabant Heritage and Brabant Remembers, in 2017-208, 15 meetings were organized all over the province to collect personal WWII narratives. From over 600 narratives, together with a group of historians, we selected 75 narratives. Under our guidance, these 75 narratives have been rewritten into Crossroads stories by some 20 different authors. Brabant Remembers has launched a marketing campaign and (digital and physical) experiences based on these stories. The aim is to touch visitors and local people emotionally with personal stories from the past, and to offer new ways of interacting with these stories, especially for young people.WhenThe project has been running since 2015. We currently play an advisory role in the development of the Brabant Remembers app (for example augmented reality videos), and in physical products such as the Dilemma Maze and the Stilllevens of Studio Verdult.Partners: Visit Brabant, Brabant Remembers, Erfgoed Brabant, Stichting Crossroads